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Mysterion climbs up the windowsill to a homely bedroom. The bed is empty. He sighs as he lets himself in. He quietly walks through the familiar hallway towards the living room.

"You're up late again, Karen." He states. His tone isn't scolding, though he'd like it to be, I'd be hypocritical of him. With the amound he's already lying to his baby sister he doesn't need this on top of it. She'd probably call him out on the hypocracy anyway.

The girl in question looks up from her laptop she'd been working on.

"Guardian angel!" She smiles brightly. Even after all this time, she's still just as happy to see him as ever. Karen sets her laptop aside and jumps up from the couch. Mysterion opens his cloak to recive the expected tackle hug.

Karen never managed to get him to the ground, though not for lack of trying. Mysterion is realy nice to hug. His cape like a blanket; heavy, warm and familiar. The dirtyblonde haired girl is very attached to her guardian angel.

Karen gives the best hugs, Ken thinks. So full of love and comfort. Exactly what he needs right now.

Ken still checks up on his sister as Mysterion from time to time. Though not as frequent as he used to, since it's not nececary anymore for the cape to dry her tears. He does suspect she knows who he is by now, she's always been clever enough to figure it out, but neither of them ever talk about it. Wich he's secretly very grateful for. The last thing he want is to worry his baby sister. Especially with all the crazy dangerous shit he gets up to every other time he goes out in the suit.

"How are you Karen?"

"I'm good, lots of homework though, but I'll finish it on time."

Mysterion nods in approval. its Always a happy time to hear about unfinished homework. Its been a couple of blissful years where he hasn't had to beat up anyone for Karen. He would if she asked. Anyone. No questions asked. And she knows it. But has never abused the power. One of the reasons she has that power in the first place and one of many why he loves his baby sister so much.


"Hey Kar-bear I'm home!"

"I'm in the kitchen Kenny!"

"Hmmm smells good, whats for dinner?"

"Chicken curry with rice. Wash your hands then help me set the table."

They're catching up on the day while eating.

"Finals studies are going well. And I think I know what college I want to go to."

"You still got a year to make that choice, so take your time." Kenny waves his fork in his sisters direction.

"I know but they've got pretty good reviews, especially in the arts and theater department. They make their own costumes for the shows every year and put up pictures online, they're realy good." Karen looks very exited. Not surprising since this is a big step towards fufilling her dream of becoming a fashion designer after all.

"If you have a good feeling about this school then I trust your judgement. We can drop by sometime soon to ask for more info, then you can apply as soon as they're taking new students."

"Thank you Kenny!"


Ken is uncaracteristically silent during the movie they decided to watch after dinner.

"Are you okay Kenny? You're kinda quiet."

"Hmm? Yeah yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."

"About..?" Kenny makes a face annoyingly familiar to Karen. "oh about Kyle again. cmoooon when are you finally gonna tell him!"

"He doesn't see me that way, you know that."

"Do I? Do you?"

"Karen." Kenny sighs, exasperated. Ever since Ken's told his little sister about his crush on Kyle she's been pestering him to confess.

Kyle might not see Kenny as anything more than a friend, but he's getting the vibe that the red head has a different opinion on Mysterion. It's dangerous he knows. Dangerous thought process to have even. But if he can shoot his shot with his long time crush as his dark persona should he? They've been growing closer lately. Mostly thanks to his willingness to be more open. And to be honest he's having fun. A lot of fun.

He realises he's playing on thin fucking ice. That has never stopped him before though. But will he be okay with it? On one hand he'll get what he's been wanting for years. On the other it feels wrong. Like a betrayal of trust. Lying to Kyle about his identity is one thing, a whole other is basically catfishing the guy. He should probably put a stop to this before things go too far.

Kysterion twenty questionsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum