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Kenny, Kyle and Stan are hanging out. They've had a fun afternoon and are now just walking around in the neighbourhood. Ofcourse shit always happens when they're hanging out. Even now out of South park, though usually much less extreem. This time there is a house on fire. The windows are blown out, smoke bellowing omniously up the brick walls.


"Oh shit is there's a kid in there?!" Stan shouts as he pulls out his phone to call 911.

A woman drives up with her car and jumps out. "My babies! Oh god my babies!"

Kenny charges up to the door, kicks it in and runs into the building without a second thought. He's so glad he decided to wear the suit today.

Kyle notices and is shocked Ken kicks down the door. "Where did all that strenght come from?"

"Probably adrenaline dude! Oh god, should we go after him?"


"Where are you?!" The vigilante jells over the roaring flames as he exchanges his orange parka for his cape. Listening intently he hears muffled wailing coming from upstairs.

Mysterion runs past the kitchen to the stairs. Looks like an oven maulfunction set the babysitter on fire. Theres nothing he can do, only a charred husk remains.

The fire is rapidly climbing up the steps as Mysterion takes two at the time. He kicks down a door and listens. Not that one. He move to the next one and kicks it open. The kids bedroom by the looks of it. Muffled coughs catch his attention. He throws open the closet doors. Two kids, a 5 year old and a 2 year old by the looks of them. Huddled together trying to get away from the flames.

"It's going to be okay, I'm getting you out of here."

The oldest stares at him with a hopeful look. "I know you! You're the hero guy! Mi-mister-Muh uuh."

"I am Mysterion."

He picks up both kids and tucks them under his cloak, shielding them as much as possible.

"Stay under the cape."

Mysterion hurries back down the stairs. Flames quickly eating the steps away. He can't afford to misstep and fall. If he dies now these kids are done for. A burst of purple mist pushes the flames away for a moment. The fire only nips at his heels even more insistently.

He makes it down and turns the corner. The entire living room is filled up with smoke. The flames eating away at support beams allong the walls. Debree and fire make it dificult to navigate.

Frightened blue eyes meet his through a gap in his cape. "My name is Suzie, my little brother is Tim. What's your name?"

Mysterion doesn't allow himself to think about how much the little girl remids him of Karen.

For a moment he looses the gruff voice. "Kenny." It'll be fine. Probably. "You are incredibly brave. Now hold on tight okay?"

The girl nods. With another burst of purple mist he runs through the flames and out the front door. His cloak gets singed but the material holds strong and doesn't catch on fire.

Even during daytime, Mysterion bursting out of the house covered in otherworldly mist tinting the fire around him an eery purple, is more so reminisent of a demon emerging from the underworld than a heroic rescue. Regardless the mother and father of the children both immideately duck behind police lines to run up to him. Mysterion parts his cloak to show both children safe.

The fire chief is next to walk up to Mysterion as he's handing the kids back to their parents.

"What the hell happened here?"

"From what I could gather inside, the oven exploded. The other occupant didnt make it."

Stan runs up to the line "My friend! Kenny ran into the building!"

"Kenny saved us!" The little girl chimes in exidedly.

"Yes I saw him. Mysterion asured Stan. "Send him out a back window, I will check on him now."

Kenny calls as soon as Mysterion dissapears around the corner. Kyle motions Stan to put him on speaker. "I'm alive. Pillar fel in the way out, had to climb out of a window."

"Dude you saw the cape guy?"

"jup gave me an earful for runnin in but I did help save those kids."

"You're getting an earful from both me and Kyle as well."

"Looking forward to it." Kenny says laughing.

Kyle narrows his eyes. The gears in his head turning.

Kysterion twenty questionsWhere stories live. Discover now