Mysterion unmasked

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It is the dead of night. Mysterion climbs though Kyles bedroom window with a grim sort of determenation. Whenever Kyle says he has a theory it's basically confirmation he knows. So the vigilante should be grateful the red head lets him tell him who he is himself, in stead of shoving all the facts he's no doubd gathered in his face. Whatever Kyle decides next the purple clad hero is prepared to accept his judgement.


Being used to the late night visits it doesn't take long for Kyle to wake up from his light sleep.

"I have made my decicion." Is how Mysterion greets him. "It is time I show you who I am."

"Long overdue I'd say." Kyles voice is heavy with sleep. He sits up forcing himself more awake and alert.

Mysterion grabs the edges of his hood. After a dramatic pause for effect he takes a deep breath and pulls his hood back, revealing a shock of blonde hair.

"Kenny you bastard. I fucking knew it." Surprisingly Kyles not feeling as pissed as he thought he'd be, or thinks he should be. That doesn't mean Kenny is getting away without a major scolding though.

Ken takes off his mask playing with it in his hands instead of looking at Kyle.

Green eyes pierce him with a calculating gaze. "In all these years, why did you never tell me?"

"Figured you'd be safer, less likely to follow me into some dangerous shit if you didn't know. jknow like Gwen in the amazing spiderman."

"That movie was shit and she was being retarded."

"Still" Ken shrugs. "And honestly, I wasn't ready to tell you a lot of what I did in the last couple of months."

"Like the whole...Immortality curse?"

The blondes face scrunces up in a grimace. "Yeah. Like that."

The tone in Kennys voice doesn't escape Kyle. "You said-you said you told your friends, but they didn't believe you or never remembered. You... you've told me before." Kyle said dawning horror in his mind. All the things Mysterion told him-Kenny told him.

Ken nodded reluctantly.

"oh god Kenny I'm so so sorry."

"Not your fault Ky."

"How is that not my fault? You needed my help and I should have been there for you!"

"We were kids. The curse makes everyone forget. No matter what happens."

"I watched you die." Kyle wisperes more to himself. "I've seen one of my best friends die right in front of me and I don't remember." He stands from his bed to pace his room.

"Calm down. It's alright Kyle."

"It's alright? It's alright?!" Ah there is the pissyness. It just took a moment to sink in and simmer. "You dress like that-" Kyle vaguely motions towards him. "and go out every night facing knifes and guns and god knows what else! None of this is alright! Do you want to get killed?!"

"..." The blonde looks away.

Kyle has both hands in his hair pulling at the curls and messing up his already unruley fro even more. "Kenny what the fuck."

"We already talked about this."


"Don't Kenny me. I'm not stopping. Wether you still want to help me or not is up to you."

"Of course I do. I ment it when I said I want to be there for you. I'm just worried about you."

"I'm litterally immortal."

"That still doesn't mean you can run around like a reckless dickhead." Kyle gives the blonde his signature glare, daring him to try and oppose him.

Being on the recieving end always both terrefies and exites Ken. He just about melts. "I'm not. Promise I'm not."


"Does Karen know?"

"I think so. Never told her though."

"Are you going to?"

"When she asks about it yeah, I'll tell her I'm Mysterion."

"But not the- not the curse?"

Ken shakes his head "I don't want her to know about that. Already feel guilty enough putting the burden on you."

"You're never a burden Kenny."


They chat, remenice and hang out for a while. Kenny always knows how to make him laugh. Tension slowly drains from Kyles shoulders.

"Kenny?" Kyle inches closer. "Let me ask something again..Can I kiss you?"

The blondes smile shines brighter that a cristmas tree. "I won't be satisfied with just a kiss." Ken repeats his earlier words with a wink, the innuendo clear in his tone.

If Kyle rolls his eyes harder he'd see his brain.

"Kiss first. Then you take me out on a date. We'll see what happens from there."

"Whatever you say boss."

Their lips lock in a passionate but sweet dance. Kens nose is still cold from outside, pressing gently on Kyles cheek. The rest of him runs hot and Kyle chases that heat by pressing himself closer. The cape between them suddenly a huge obstacle for the red head. He feels the thick cloth sepperating their bodies needs to go, though all he can do at the moment is claw at the material uselessly.

Ken couldn't be more content in this moment. He wishes it would last forever. Kyles lips are soft. He's been pinning for his friend for years and finally finally has him in his arms the way he wanted for so long. And with a promise of more to look forward to. Ken's future looks bright.

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