Origin story

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The weather is stormy tonight. Kyle and Mysterion have been discussing a case for a while. The vigilante decides that it's enough for now.

Kyle asks a question that's been plagueing him for a while now. He feels like he couldn't ask before. Perhaps he still feels like that now but he needs to know.

"What is your superhero origin story?"

"Ah." Mysterion looks at the storm raging just outside the window for a long time. Kyle is afraid to break the heavy silence that has decended upon them. Steeling his resolve Mysterion nods once and turns back to Kyle.

"Yes. I think it's time I tell you. Though you might not believe me."

"I've been through so much crazy shit I'll believe just about anything."

"hmm." Mysterion hums, not a denial or an aweknowlegment. "Firsly I've never reffered to this as my superpowers or any variant because honestly, I never saw it that way."

"How do you see them?"

"A curse."

Kyles eyebrows raise in surprise.

Mysterion clears his throath nervously. "From what I've been able to gather my parents were in a cult. One that worships eldrich deities."

Kyle opens his mouth to ask but Mysterion cuts him off. "Yes the same we'd been after a few months back, I make it a point to keep an eye on them. They wanted to summon their god to earth. My mother was pregnant with me at the time. I think...I may not have been born on earth. Rather in another demention. The sunken city of R'lyeh."

"Thats were your powers like the purple mist comes from?"

Mysterion nods.

"So then, what exactly is your curse?"

"I'm immortal." Thunder booms omniously just outside the window.

"You're telling me you seriously can't die."

Mysterion, jittery with nervous energy starts pacing.

"No. I just don't stay dead. I've died so many times I lost count years ago and it hurts Kyle. It hurts so goddamn much every single time!"

"Y-yeah I'd imagine."

"And the worst part?" Now he's started talking he can't seem to stop. "The worst part is that no one ever rembers. Even y- even my closest friends when they see me get brutally slaughtered right in front of them!" Mysterion lets out a frustrated yell and crouches down to the ground.

Kyle is speechless. Had he seen Mysterion die before and didn't remember?

"Usually people care enough to be shocked or sad in the moment...But sometimes-Sometimes they laugh or just walk over my corpse like they've forgotten I ever existed." Mysterions voice cracks. He speaks so quietly Kyle could barely hear the words but he had lost the deep growl and sounds almost familiar. Kyle is listening with bated breath. "I don't want to be forgotten."

"Is that why you became Mysterion? To leave a legacy people won't soon forget."

Mysterion shakes his head.

"I just wanted to make my little sister feel safe. Then I figured.." His voice rose in volume a bit and the growl is back. "I have this curse, I'll die anyway so why not put it to good use? Take a few bullets for people because I will come back, they won't."

"You wanted to give your curse meaning. That certainly explains why your so reckless at least."

Mysterion lets out a unhappy chuckle. "No fear of death will do that to a person... So, you believe me?"

Kyle nods. "It seems way too far out there to make up. How do you even deal with something like that?"

"I dress up in a purple Halloween costume every night to beat criminals with my fists." Mysterion deadpans, uncurling from himself and sitting more relaxed on Kyles floor.

"Fair point."

"Beats drugs. I hate o.d.ing. Nothing feels real."

"Dude!" Kyle looks worried. Mysterion holds up his gloved hands in a placating manner.

"Been sober for years. I promise."

"I want to help you. Be there for you."

"You do, you are."

"The man behind the mask as well."

Mysterion gulps.

"You trust me right?"

"Of course I do."

"Then what's the issue if I know? We've been working together for years, you're my friend."

"I'm not putting you at risk." Mysterions arguement sounds weak even to himself. "If anyone found out you know-"

"If they ever find out I'm working with you they're gonna assume I know stuff regardless."

Mysterion looks guilty.

"I..I need to think about all this."

"Mysterion I have to tell you, I have my theory, on who you are. But I'd rather you tell me yourself."

Mysterion nods. "I understand." He picks himself off the ground.

"It's late. I should go. Try to get some sleep Kyle."

"You too Mysterion."

He's out the window before Kyle can finish the sentence. Neither of them get any rest that night.

Kysterion twenty questionsWhere stories live. Discover now