Dont Tell 'Em...(Kay)

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The school day for Jayla and I went on the usual way. Me being my nerdy self and getting bullied and my sister being a...Jayla. Lunch was no better for us because Zonnique and Daniel had the bright idea to dump their food on us. Latimore would have gotten up for us but I pushed him down in his seat. Jayla yelled something to her tormentor Daniel but he didn't say anything. He just smirked and walked away with Zonnique.

"Why they do that?" Latimore said eating chips. "Long story." I said trying o push the question off. I was soaked in their drinks. Who knows what they put in it. Ew. I feel so filthy and contaminated. I'm also a clean freak. I couldn't take it. I couldn't see how Jayla was so cool with it. I pulled her arm and Latimore's arm and we stormed into the office.

My hair matted with sauce, my clothes wet, and my shoes just fine. Luckily they didn't hurt my shoes. Because converses are my babies. If they get hurt I'm hurt and imma kill somebody. "Why we in the office if you have a cell phone?" Jayla said. I just realized that, so I stormed them to our lockers, "Stay here." I whipped out my cell phone and called my mom.

"Ma?" I said. I could hear some shuffling and then I could hear breathing. "Lae? Why are you calling? Your supposed to be in school." I looked at Jayla. "Ma, Jayla and I are contaminated." My mother knew exactly what I meant. "What happened this time?" I would have told the truth but yeah I didn't. "See...What had happened was...I was walking and my shoe laces was untied." Latimore knit his eyebrows. I mouthed him shut up.

"So you bringing us clothes or..."

"Yes. Yes. But you know you staying in school for the rest of the three hours and thirthy minutes right?" I kinda dropped my mouth. I was expecting her to say we could totally come home but nah. That wasn't happening. "Yes ma'am." She hung up and so did I.

"Ma bringing clothes? I'm sticky." I gave her you so fuckin stupid look. She understood right after that. "Yes dumb dumb." We waited and sites until our parents brought our clothes up to the school. My momma stared at us disgusted. "Ew. Y'all look nasty. Go change. Now." I felt the same way and was the first one in the bathroom.

We changed into our clean clothes and I felt relieved. Whooo. I feel cleaner. "Here ma." She grabbed the bag, "Ugh. Tie your shoe laces next time. I'll be here to get y'all at the end of the day." She was just about to walk away, "LOVE YOU TOO!" Jayla and I screamed. "Love y'all. See you when I pick you up in three hours. Now go to where you supposed to be."

Jayla, Latimore, and I raced to our next class. Which was...math. I hate math. It's too much. Even though I'm like really smart, I can't stand math. Or maybe because of the teacher. Who knows let's see how class goes. Ugh...I hate math.

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