Best Truth Or Dare

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Jaylin's POV

We all sat on the carpeted flooring. I had to be careful, the carpet was a fine material and white. They got money. Jayla stated, I looked at her as she felt the carpet. "Stop feeling on the carpet weirdo." I say laughing a little.

Tyanna here. That was Kaylin at first. Now its me.
Jayla POV

Wow. They rich as fuck. Okay okay Imma need to stop talking like my dad. He ghetto as fuck. Hahahahahaha. Well we bout to play a game since you know...yeah. So its like this Jacob, Jaylin, Me then Trevor with his sexy self.

"Linny, Truth or dare??" I asked my twinnie. "Ummmmmmm....dare." She answered kinda worried cause everyone knows I be giving people the most scariest dares ever. Hahaha. "Linny, I dare you to give Jake here a lap dance." I said with a evil look on my face.
"Are you out of yo damn mind?" Jaylin asked me. Jacob looked happy. Trevor was dying laughing. "Hell yeah. So do it." I answered back. She gave Latimore a lap dance to the song Ride by SoMo. (I love that too death.) "That's going in the blackmail box for sure." I said after she finished.

"My turn." She said with a evil tone in her voice. What the hell so planning? "Jay, Truth or dare?" She asked me. Damnit. "Since Im a real bitch and real bitches do real things. Imma say dare." I said while smirking. You one cocky bitch. Jaylin mind told me. "Yeah whatever Linny." I said while rolling my eyes. "Yall mind talked didn't yall?" Asked Trevor. "Yup." Me and Jaylin said at the same time.

"Anyway, Jay I dare you to strip to your bra and underwear til the end of the game." Lae Lae said with smirk on her lips. "HELL NAW! LAE LAE YOU CRAZY AS FUCK IF YOU THINK IM DOING THAT! Wait Imma real bitch so Imma do it." I said not letting Lae Lae get to me. Lets say the game get interesting after that.

Im backkkkk. So I was bored and decided to make well finish a chapter to this book since it has alot of reads in it. But whteva. Byeeeee.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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