Scary Movies Arent My Thing...(Kay)

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Jayla looked so awkward when we walked into the house. Oooh, she likes him. I couldn't blame her though. The boy was cute. He was beautiful, but I'm interested in Latimore. "Hi." Jayla and I said together. He walked up like he was cool and stopped inches in front of Jayla. Whoa, true love.

"What's up. I'm Trevor. Trevor Jackson." He held his hand out. She looked down at it and dint know what to do. Shake his hand dumbass. She shook his hand. "Well aren't you polite." I said trying to make a conversation. "Come in." Latimore said holding my shoulders and pushing me in slightly. We all sat on the couch and I looked around the place looking at his awards and stuff.

"Athletic?" Jayla asked before me. "Some of them are. And some of them for other reasons. But I don't want to brag about me. So like friends, let's watch a movie or something." Latimore stood up and got down in front of the floor searching trough movies. Jesus, I hope he doesn't pick a scary movie. Damnit if he picks a scary movie I'm going to die. Jayla said. Trevor came back into the living room with four bottles  soda.

He gives one to Jayla, me, and then Latimore. I open mine and take a sip. Mountain Dew is my favorite. I then remembered I snuck candy in bag. Our dad doesn't allow is to bring candy to school. For what reason, I dunno. I grab the huge bags of M&M's and Skittles. "Trevor, do you have a big bowl. I need two." He goes back into the kitchen and gives me the bowls. I pour the candy into the bowls and set them on the coffee table.

Latimore puts in a movie. He sits next to me and opens his soda. "What are we looking at?" Jayla said popping three Skittles in her mouth. "Nightmare on Elm Street." Latimore said smiling. "Oh shit." I hate that movie. It scared my face off. I couldn't sleep for weeks. I was like fourteen when I first saw it which was two years ago. And now I'm looking at it again. "What's wrong?" Latimore asked. I gulped down another swallow of soda, "We hate scary movies. I hate this one especially."

"But it's not real." Trevor said reassuring. "It don't matter. If I'm scared of it. I'm scared of it." Jayla said squeezing a pillow to her chest. "Well, it's already on." Latimore said. "Okay. I'll get through it. I'll get through it." I said hesitantly. "If y'all don't we here." Trevor said laughing. Jayla looked at him and cleared her throat.

The movie was on. And I got through it pretty good. So did Jayla. But when Freddy appeared I died. He scared me by the way he looked, talked, killed, an it was just him period. When they were fighting Freddy I couldn't watch. He was so scary. "Stop the movie." I said conveniently eyes with Latimore's jacket. "AHHHHHH!" I could hear Jayla screaming. "Stop it stop it stop it stop it. Turn it off." I hurried my face in his neck. He smelled really good.

"Um..." Jayla threw a pillow at the screen and yelled and screamed. She pulled Trevor close to her and covered her face and ears. I could still hear the blood bathing scenes and I couldn't take it. I jumped up and grabbed Jayla's arm and we rushed up the stairs. We didn't know where we were going. But we found a room got under the covers and hid.

"I'm staying here." Jayla protested. "I'm just staying here until Freddy leaves the screen." I said. Then I realized that we were in someone else's bed. I stood up with the blanket over my head and went down the stairs again. I cuddled against Latimore's body. "Is the movie over?" I asked in  muffled voice. "No." I waited. "Is the movie over now?" Jayla asked Trevor. He replied by, "I'm taking it off. Now you can't be scared." We were both relieved.

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