Not a chapter! Sorry!

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Sorry about this guys but I don't have many ideas right now. But I wanted to ask you guys if I should do a face reveal? Also I noticed that one time I posted a chapter at about 2 in the morning and about an hour or two later two people had already voted on it. I'm very thankful that you are actually taking the time to read my trash but I also want you guys to take care of yourselves. Also, I don't know why but even when I'm on youtube I can't comment. Could someone please tell me how to fix this? I appreciate it! I'm also thinking of starting a Klance story. I also have an idea and I don't know if anyone came up with it yet. The name is probably going to be 'Who Are You Really?' I would love and appreciate it if you read it but please don't force yourself to! Bye. Love you all and take care of yourself! Remember this is a LGBTQIAP+ safe area! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 I hate doing AN only parts but i want to make sure you don't skip this because I'm curious if you guys think I actually should.

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