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At University -

Bright - hey dumb heads what are you doing .

Man - why do you call us dumb heads .

Boss - he is just calling you not me bro .

Bright rolled his eyes whatever let's go .

Man - did you hear about the new guy .

Bright - which new guy .

Boss - you don't know him bright he is the younger brother of gulf kanawat .

Bright - ohk but who is gulf kanawat .

Man - bright he is a international designer , his designs are sold all over the world he is dam popular .

Bright- oh that's nice what is to do with his brother .

Boss - why are you so dumb .

Bright-  what do you mean say it clearly .

Man - we mean he is the second heirs of the designer company so obviously dam rich but the reason he is popular is because he is dam beautiful .

Bright - but he is a guy how can he be beautiful .

Man - no bro he is , he is a model to guys and girls are drouling over him since morning he is all over the camp instagram page .

Bright - whatever it's not like it matters to us let's go we have a introduction with new music club juniors .

Boss- you are so boring .

On the other hand -

Fong- win why is everyone looking at us .

Ohm - stupid they are looking at win because he looks so handsome .

Fong- eww  if he is handsome I am ms world , just look at him he looks gross I am sure he didn't even take a bath .

Win - do you guys know I can hear everything .

Fong- ofcourse you can , by the way what are you doing .

Win - I am checking club lists we have to join one club atleast .

Fong- I am joining Swimming club.

Ohm - I will join painting club .

Fong- what about you win .

Ohm - he is already in chearleading club .

Win- that's part of sports I have to join one more club how about music .

Fong- can you play anything .

Win- yeh I can play guitar , drums , flute , keyboard ....

Ohm - how come we never knew .

Win - I don't like people seeing me play it's my personal thing brother taught me how to play .

Fong- brother can play all these instruments .

Win - you won't believe me he is a pro he can sing to you know he owned a band while he was in university .

Fong- these brothers are full of surprises .

Ohm - shut up let's go .

Win - we have go and regester for the club's first .

Ohm - ok then let's go , we are in different clubs let's met at the canteen after regestration .

Win - ok sure .

Win started walking towards the music club on the way he bumped into someone and lost balance .

Win - I am really sorry I wasn't paying attention are you ok .

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