Chapter 12: Our First Fight

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About a week and a half later I returned to school. Bradley didn't seem so happy to see me cause he just sat by himself in a corner. I walked up and sat down next to him. "What's wrong Bradley?" I asked. "Just thinking", He replied. "About what Bradley"? "It's nothing, but I'll be right back I need to talk to Morgan real quick about something". As he walked over to Morgan I could tell he was in pain, not physically, but emotionally. So I sat and watched Morgan's facial expressions as Bradley was speaking to her. She seemed surprised, at what? I don't know. Bradley finished his conversation with Morgan then walked over towards me and sat down beside me. "Michelle, can I ask you something?" "Sure Bradley!" "Well, are you high?" He asked. "Well maybe but who noticed?" I asked back. "Nobody Michelle." He answered. He then took a look at me and then noticed my scars. "You cut?" He asked. "Just sometimes" I answered back. "Why? Why would you ruin a beautiful body such as yours?" He asked irritatedly. "Well I'll admit I have a problem, but if cutting means I'll lose you then I'll stop. Bradley I don't want to lose you, I'm afraid to lose you, cause if I do, I'll have nothing left." I stammered. "Okay, you're gonna stop cutting starting now Michelle, that's it." He shouted. "Okay Bradley I'll stop, for you, for us." I said as if in victory. "Promise?" He asked. "Promise!" I said. Then Bradley picked me up off the ground and hugged me real tight and said "Good don't ever hurt yourself intentionally". So as a reply I hugged him back even tighter.
Then the bell rang and I walked him to class. I kissed him and said "Bradley, I really am afraid to lose you." He said he knew that already. Then we said bye until our next class change.

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