Chapter 7: Bradley and I

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So we became very close, Bradley and I. We were always together. Wherever he went, I went, wherever I went, he went, except home and the bathroom and classes we didn't have together of course. Other than that we were stuck like glue.

Every time we would walk together someone would always say "You two make a cute couple" or "Y'all are good together" and "You two should date". Don't get me wrong I would love to date him but I feel like he's too good for me. Bradley's just down up right amazing and I'm just me. Little old Michelle, that's all.

While we were walking to the tennis courts for class today Bradley said something about us dating but I couldn't hear him so I ignore it. I smile at the thought of us dating. It makes me feel comfortable for some reason.

Tennis is really not my thing. Bradley wasn't too good at it either so we sat on the sidelines together. I noticed he had some grey hair so I pulled it out. "What was that for?" He asked. "You had a grey hair..." I replied. "Well don't pull it out, it adds character." He said back. "Okay fine, I'll put it back". I laughed afterwards.

We walked back across the parking lot into the gym to get changed. As I walked out of the locker room Asian ran over to me. "Hey Michelle what would you do if Bradley asked you out? Like would you smile in shock or pass out?" He asked. "Yes!" I said. "Uh okay, so what does that mean exactly?" He questioned. "Well I would do both", I said. "Uh huh", he responded and ran off. I looked at Bradley with a smile and he responded back with a smile as well so I knew it wouldn't be too much longer before I was his girlfriend.

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