Chapter 3: Honesty is the Best Policy

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David and I always promised to tell each other the truth no matter how painful it may be. So I decided I had to tell him.

I had met David after school one day to talk with him. "David there's something I need to tell you..." As I was about to tell him what was going on we ran into Bradley. "Hey Bradley", David said, "Ohh you can continue what you were going to say Michelle". "I'd rather tell you when we're alone", I told him. "Anything you tell me you can tell my brother Brad. Right?" "Right. So uhh I don't know how to say this but uhh.... I really like Bradley!" I said quickly like it was painful. David looked at me in disappointment. Truth was, I never really loved David like I said I did. I thought I did but that was before I met Bradley. "What is there about Bradley that you like so much? What about me? Don't you like me anymore?" David came at me in an angry tone like he wanted to kill. "I never meant to intentionually hurt you, I just really like Bradley, more than I like you. Sorry David." I said innocently. "Do you want to break up?" Asked David. "No, I just want to see where this goes, that's all". I replied. "Where what goes? Our breakup? Michelle if you like him more then let's just break up because apparently you don't see a future with me anymore!" He yelled back at me. I had nothing else left to say. I walked away from him. 'I just wanted to tell him how I felt, he always said no matter what to always tell him the truth.' I though about that conversation as I walked over to the band room after school.

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