Galactic Love (Fluff)

575 19 34

Type: Alien AU (Fluff)

 It was a nice night tonight; the stars were beautiful as they shined brightly in the dark night sky. Many people were sleeping at the time so they miss out on the view, one of which was a biker named Mondo Owada.

 He was fast asleep in his bed, it seemed like he was sleeping peacefully but he was having a strange dream.

 It started off as him waking up in a dark room, it was pitch black. A door opened out of nowhere which let a light purple light creep into the room. A figure of a man was in the doorway, the person seemed to be human but there were some things sticking out of their head.

 Mondo was weirded out of course but it seemed like he wasn't able to move, the figure went closer to him, reaching their hand out. The biker reluctantly took it, the person then proceeded to lead him somewhere.

 Their back was turned from him so he wasn't able to see their face. The place he was being led to was a bright hallway, it was really long. After a long time just walking, a heart could be seen at the end. Mondo wasn't able to speak but once they almost got to the heart he was suddenly able to.

"W-Who are you?" Mondo asked confused.

"Yap-Bo-Bup-Ree   Siip-Bo-Bup-Belp-Bem-Bap-Stip-Ske!" The man said in an unknown language.

 Before he could even react, he suddenly woke up but instead of being met with just his ceiling, there was someone looking at him.

"AHH WHAT THE FUCK!?" Mondo screamed which made the other flinched. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?"

"Ski   Bem-Ske-Bap-Beem   Beem-Bo Bah-Bap-Ree-Bem!" The man said, his tone seemed worried.


"Bef-Ree-Bo-Bem   Siip-Beep-Bap-Sic-Ske!"


"Bem-Yap    Belp-Bap-Beem-Gep-Bup-Bap-Gep-Ske!"


"Ski   Belp-Ski-Skik-Ske   Yap-Bo-Bup!"





 The strange person looked around, seems like they were looking for something. They got a piece of paper and pen and started to write on it, all the while Mondo stared at him. The person gently gave the paper to the biker, he took it violently.

"What the fuck...?" Mondo looked at the neatly written words on the paper. "Don't be afraid... I come in peace..." Mondo said out loud.

"Yap-Bap-Yap! Yap-Bo-Bup   Sic-Bap-Beem   Ree-Ske-Bap-Bep   Ski-Stip!" The strange man said happily.

"Come in peace...? You an alien?" Mondo asked and the other nodded. "The fuck? Hold on, can you pinch me?"

"Bo-Skik...?" The alien said pinching the human.

"... I'm not waking up. Ah shit this is real... Wait, this is real, aliens are real! I'm meeting a FUCKING alien!" Mondo freaked out, he had never believed in aliens but there is one right in front of him right now.

"Belp-Bap-Beem-Gep-Bup-Bap-Gep-Ske!" The alien scolded.

"... So, uh... Can you write out why you're here?"


 The two then proceeded to talk to eachother, one with their voice and the other with pen and paper.

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