Treasure (Fluff)

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Type: Pirate and Dog AU (Fluff)

It was a bright and sunny day, the waves were flowing with the wind. Many ships were on the waters, mainly to catch fish ro sell and trade.

Another ship was preparing to set sail, it was a big and extravagant one. It belonged to the infamous 'Crazy Diamonds', a gang of pirates lead by their leaders Daiya Owada and his younger brother Mondo Owada.

The prirate gang was very dangerous, they won't hesitate to hurt anyone that is in between their goal, which was riches. Many people thought they were heartless, ruthless and unforgiving. Anyone who gets in their wrath won't be able to escape unscathed. Unbeknownst to them, the pirate gang mostly targets corrupted kingdoms and other ships. Of course, violence isn't the best way to get back at bad people but it was what the gang knew.

In recent years, Mondo has been the one to take over most of the time. His big brother wanted to let him train his leadership skills when the day he retires come. Mondo didn't mind, he liked being in charge, being called 'captain' and 'boss' made him feel powerful. This caused him to be a bit arrogant, he didn't act mean towards his crew but he was quite rude to any other people, unless he knew them before his pirate days.

The ship finished preparing and they set sail, their flags flowing through the wind and striking fear into anyone that recognised it. They were going to find treasure on any island out there, and maybe raid some other pirate ships.

The trip was going well, Mondo stood at the front of the ship and let the wind flow through his hair. It was peaceful, he always like seeing the view of the sky and ocean from his ship. It was quiet until some of his crew suddenly yelled about something, then the steady floor he was stood on violently shook.

Another pirate ship was attacking them, Mondo ordered his crew to attack back. It was a brutal fight and the ships were heavily damaged, luckily not too bad to the point of sinking. Mondo tried keeping his balance but then an unexpected quake made him fall into the water.

The captain thrashed around in the water but the waves were too strong for him, he couldn't see anything and eventually passed out from lack of oxygen. Everything went dark and his mind went blank, he could still feel some sensation in his body. He felt completely soaked, then felt his body fall on some ground and then being dragged.

He eventually gained conciousness, he opened his eyes to see he was in a cabin. He was next to a fireplace and had a blanket around him. Mondo was very confused, he recalled being in the ocean and thinking it was the end of his life to being in a wooden cabin.

He looked around the cabin more, it was quite cozy. It was furnished with alot of necessities. A place for cooking, sleeping, relaxing,...enough to live a comfortable life. He was just taking in his surroundings until he heard a door open. He looked over to the sound and saw a man standing there, he had bright red eyes and big eyebrows, a hood was drapped on his head but his raven hair was still slightly visible.

"You're awake!" The man exclaimed happily, he held a basket with some berries and fruit. His teeth was visible when he spoke, which was sharp like canines.

"Who are you?" Mondo asked, stansing up to be at eye level.

"I saw you on by the ocean unconscious and I couldn't just leave you I brought you back here so you could rest. Are you okay?"

"Thanks but you didn't answer my question."

"Oh sorry...I'm Kiyotaka Ishimaru."

"That name is long, can I call you Taka instead?"

"That's fine with me...what about you?"

"Mondo Owada."

"That's a nice name Owada!"

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