Winter Promise (Fluff)

447 19 6

Type: Mythical Christmas AU (Fluff)

Snow was falling to the ground and the temperature was getting cold. Everyone was getting fire wood so they could stay warm throughout the season, disturbing some of the wild life that were living in the forest nearby.

A male reindeer stood near the outskirts of the forest, looking at the village where all of the humans were, some warm orange lights can be seen through their windows from the fire that was keeping them warm.

The reindeer looked at the village, taking a few steps forward. He wanted to go in but the village won't accept him, he was not who he once was. He missed his old self but he just has to accept the fact that he's a reindeer.

The reindeer ran away before any of the townsfolk can spot him, running through the forest quickly to his new home. He can't risk someone hurting because he has an important job now. A job, for a jolly old man.

It was snowing and dark outside, he had ran through the forest until he could see the clear sky above him. He started to run faster and jumped as high as he could into the sky, soon his hooves were off the ground and he was quickly flying through the sky. The reindeer couldn't see the ground under him anymore, he knew where he was going despite this. After a long time, he went down until he hit layers of soft white snow. He ran through the snow until he saw a building. There was a small figure waiting for him at the entrance.

"There you are! I was wondering where you were!" An elf said to him once he approached.

"..." He didn't say anything and tilted his head down.

"You went back to your old village huh? I understand that you miss your old life but you have a very important job to do!" The elf said patting the reindeer on his head. "You're still a strong man even in this form."

"..." He stayed silent accepting the head pats.

"Now come inside, it's quite snowy tonight." The eld said as they lead the reindeer back to it's place.

The morning comes and the reindeer went outside, looking up in the sky wanting to fly back to the village. Nothing much happens during the days leading up to christmas day, he just needed to work alot on a single day. The reindeer could interact with the other reindeers but he didn't like them that much.

The elf noticed the reindeer and went outside to stand next to him.

"You really miss your old village huh?" The elf asked.

"..." The reindeer quietly nodded.

"Well, I've talked to him and he says that you could come visit the village for a couple of days." The elf said which made the reindeer look down at them. "But you have to come back here before 5 pm."

"..." The reindeer didn't waste a moment and took off, leaving the elf partially covered in snow by how fast he took off, but they didn't really mind.

The reindeer quickly went back to his old home, landing deep in the forest and going closer to the village on hoof. He stayed by near the forest rim and watched the villagers from afar.

He noticed a white and black bird perched on one of the houses, it seemed to be looking around with it's big red eyes. Something about that bird seemed off to the reindeer, it didn't seem like the bird was an actual bird. The strange bird soon spotted him, it titled it's head as if it was curious.

The reindeer was concentrated on the bird, so much to the point he didn't noticed a villager was lining up their gun. The reindeer got put off by a bullet shot that just barely missed him, he began running away but was chased after the villager, who probably wanted a new coat or food.

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