I got this......okay maybe not

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                                                                            Amane (POV)

Humans. They foolishly waste their days doing the same things over and over thinking they'll actually accomplish something, that is until they die of course. Now that's where I come in, I am one of the many grim reapers that help those close to their death beds pass on. You might be thinking 'Wait what do you mean many? Isn't there only one grim reaper?' but you see that's one of the many things you humans get wrong. Yes we grim reapers might not be alive like you humans, and don't need sleep but nearly 150,000 people die a day and that's quite impossible without some help. And when I say 'we help you pass on' I mean we are the ones responsible for things such as heart attacks, people dying in their sleep, dying of old age, and anything else that results in death, well except murders and suicides, those are out of our control. I have helped thousands of souls pass on for over half a century and never once cared for a single one of them. I truly didn't care who died, I didn't that is until I met her. She was the one who changed my life, for the better or the worse.

It all started the day Akane made a bet with me. I was just coming back from an assignment only to receive another one the second I entered the far shore. As I was handed the paper with the name of my newest assignment, Akane walked up behind me. "Who'd you get this time?" He asks as he peaked over my shoulder to get a better glimpse of the paper in my hand.

"Someone named Yashiro, Nene. She's a 27 year old elementary school teacher who lives in Yokohama, Japan." I say handing him the paper as I walk away.

"Sounds like you got another easy one." He says trying to catch up with me.

"Nah, I'm just good at my job."

"You're not that good." 

"Better than you." I reply as I snatched my paper out of his hand.

"You know what? I bet you that I'll be able to complete my assignment before you do."

"Oh yeah, what happens if I complete it before you do?"

"You'll get bragging rights and I'll do whatever you want for a whole day. But if I win you have to finally admit I'm a better grim reaper than you to everyone."

"Deal." I said shaking his hand. "Who do you have anyway?"

"Some girl with purple hair and a similar name to mine, but honestly I've got this in the bag. I can't wait to see your face when I win." He says rushing off to the portal that leads you to near shore. I slowly made my way over to the purplish blue portal and put my left hand into the air and snapped changing me into my human form.

Grim reapers have two forms, our natural form and our human form. When we are in our natural form we are able to use our magic but we look much different from our human forms. We wear a black cloak that has our assigned number on it we also get a matching a skull mask to hide our identity and we're transparent. Our human forms however make us look like normal humans since humans can see us in both forms we use this form more often so we don't scare or spook them, the downside of it is we can't use our magic in this form and we are as weak as humans, so when we are ready to kill our target we have to switch forms.

As I step into the portal my foot begins to disappear until I can't see my whole leg. I brace myself as I fully immerse into the portal. When I open my eyes on the other side I see tall buildings, many blinding lights, cars stuck in traffic, and crowds of people all walking to who knows where. I examine the picture on the paper I had in my hand. A girl with ruby eyes, cream hair with teal tips, and a big smile was the girl I was looking for. They only gave me a headshot so I'd just have to go off of that.

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