The best solution for a breakup is ice-cream and cookies

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"What's he doing here?" Fuji asks as Yashiro and I walk into the cafe. 

"Oh I guess I forgot to mention I invited Amane-kun as well." Part of me wonders if she actually forgot or she knew that if she mentioned I was going to be there he wouldn't show.

"When did you start calling him that?"

"Yesterday. Anyway why don't find a table?"

"Okay I guess?"

"Great!" The three of us sat at a booth, Fuji sitting next to Yashiro and I sitting across from her.

"So why'd you even bring us here?" He rolls his eyes.

"After how you both acted around each other yesterday, I figured you both just need some time to get to know each other. That way you two won't get into fights constantly." She explains. "I can't have my boyfriend and my best guy friend at each other's throats all the time."

"You brought me here so I can be friends with him?" Fuji asks standing up and pointing at me as if I've done something wrong.


"Well then I'm leaving."

"No please don't go Fui-kun, this means a lot to me." She grabs his arm trying to stop him but he yanks his arm away.

"I don't care."

"Yashiro don't worry he probably has an extremely important reason as to why he has to leave, I mean what kind of boyfriend leaves his girlfriend all alone with a strange man he isn't familiar with?" He flinches and turns around with a fake smile on his face. If it wasn't for the fact I didn't want to see Yashiro upset and disappointed I would have let him leave.

"You know what I think I will stay."

"Yay! I'll go order us some food while you two get to know each other." She jumps out of her seat and rushes off to the short line up front. Maybe making him stay wasn't such a bright idea after all.

"Listen here I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do but she's my girlfriend and you need to back off." He warns as he takes a seat across from me.

"Sure once you start treating her the way she deserves to be treated."

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you because you have no idea what I'm cable of." I just smirk at his meaningless threat. "What you think you're stronger than me? Trust me I can snap your neck in two if you don't watch it."

"Man I wonder what's taking Yashiro so long? I hope she didn't get to much food, I don't want her struggling to carry it all." I say ignoring him.

"Did you not you hear me?!"

"Oh no I heard you, I just don't care."

"Well you will once I beat you to a pulp."

"If you are going to act like this the whole time why don't you just leave?"

"You're the one who made me stay here in the first place."

"Yeah cause I didn't want to see Yashiro upset cause you can't be a good boyfriend and stay."

"Why do you care so much about her? She's ugly, annoying, and useless."

"Then why are you dating her?" I growl, gripping onto the edge of the booth to hold me back from doing something rash.

"Because she is foolish and gullible. I can literally make her do whatever I want and she does it, plus I can do things like 'forget' dates and she forgives me like that." I sit there as my eye twitches and nearly ripping the foam seat on the booth because of how hard I am gripping it. "I've never once cared for her but she still thinks I do. And my god is she stupid, I've been cheating on her ever since we first started dating but she still hasn't noticed." That's when I loose it, I jump out of my seat and throw him out of the booth and onto the floor.

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