Wine leads to nothing but tears and confessions

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It's been two weeks since I first ran into Yashiro and I unfortunately still haven't completed my task. The worst part is I'm actually starting to like hanging out with her while pretending to be human and I don't know what to do about it because no matter how close I get to her she still has to die but each day it gets harder and harder to go through with it. I have decided today's the day I do it, it's now or never.

"I'm heading out!" Yashiro says interrupting my thoughts. I look behind the couch that I am sitting on and see her wearing a white dress with tiny little flowers scattered all over it, black leggings, and brown boots, her hair is even put up into a braid. 

"Wait where are you going?" I ask getting up off the couch and towards her.

"Well, today is me and Fuji-kun's one year anniversary so he's meeting up with me at a nice restaurant."

"You're still dating him?"

"Yes, he apologized last night on the phone and said he'd like to make it up to me by taking me out to dinner."

"And you trust him?"

"I don't have time to argue about this with you, I'm going to be late bye Yugi-kun." She leaves locking the door behind her. After twenty minutes of waiting I can't take it, I throw on a hoodie and run out the door. Her car is already gone by the time I get down the stairs. 

"Shoot!" I shout kicking the pavement in defeat. "Great now what am I going to do?"  I start to slowly head back up the stairs when it hits me, I'm not human. "Of course why didn't I think of that before?"  

I run back down the stairs and walk onto the streets slipping in a dark empty alley. I raise my arm and snap transforming me into my grim reaper form. I take a pocket watch from in my cloak's pocket and open it reveling a tiny map of the city and a red flashing light. "There she is."

In my human form I walk into the restaurant that the pocket watch said she was in and immediately see her sitting by herself looking at her phone. "Okay all I have to do is wait until after she leaves the date and kill her when she gets in her car, that way at least she will be happy in her last moments before she dies. I'm only following her so I can finally complete my task." I mutter under my breath as a reminder to myself.

"Hello sir, would you like a table for one?" A older man standing at the entrance of the restaurant holding menus asks.

"Oh uh yes that will work." I say. He nods and leads me to a small table not to far from Yashiro and hands me a menu. Hiding behind my menu I watch Yashiro from a distance. She shifts in her chair and places her phone on her ear. After a minute she places her phone back on the table and looks around the restaurant. I quickly duck down in my seat so I don't get spotted. 

"Sir, are you okay?" I look up to see a waiter looking at me with a confused face.

"I'm good." I say sitting back up in my seat correctly.

"Okay, well are you ready to order?"

"Not yet sorry." He nods and walks away, a few minutes later I see a waitress walk up to Yashiro.

"Ma'am if you're not going to order then I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We have people waiting and you've been here for forty-five minutes."

"I'm sorry. I'm just waiting for someone, I'm sure they'll be here soon though." Yashiro explains.

"I'll come back in five minutes but if you're not ready then I'm afraid I'll have to give your table to someone else." The waitress says as she walks off. Yashiro looks back down at her phone and types something furiously. After minutes of waiting tears start to form in her eyes but she quickly wipes them away. As I watch the waitress return I realize I can't just sit here and watch this. I stand up and as I'm about to make my way over there I spot a yellow rose with red tips placed in a glass vase in the middle of the table I am sitting at. An idea comes to me as I grab it and jog over to where Yashiro's sitting.

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