What is going on?

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My head feels fuzzy as I open my eyes and spot myself smiling at me. Wait no- that's not me.
"Amane! Amane! You're awake!" The person exclaims while jumping up and down.

"Tsukasa how many times do I have to tell you, you have to be quieter." I say but I don't know why I said it. I feel as if I have no control over my actions or words, like I'm only able to watch. I suddenly sit up.

"But today's the day!"

"The day of what?"

"Oh don't act like you don't remember. You haven't shut up about it since Yesterday."

"Stop over exaggerating things. I only brought it up once."


"Whatever, you still have to get ready."

"Yeah, yeah I know." He groans before walking out of the bedroom. Looking around the room as much I can without being able to move my head I notice something odd. Everything in this room from the astronomy posters on the wall to the random rock on the dresser besides me all seems so familiar.

"And make sure to wear something nice!"

"Do I have to?" Tsukasa whines popping his head back in the room.

"Yes, this means a lot to me. And you know mom and dad will scold you if not."

"Fine." He sighs leaving the room one last time. The room then slowly fades into black and goes silent. I gasp as I'm jolted awake.

"Amane! I'm so glad you're okay!" Yashiro says, hugging me as if my life depended on it. Looking around I notice I'm not in the hallway anymore instead I'm laying in a white bed in the nurse's office.

"What happened?"

"You fainted in the hallway right outside of my classroom."


"Yes. Have you not been eating or did something happen-" 

"Yashiro I'm fine, it's probably because of my lack of sleep."

"In that case I'm taking you home so you can get some rest." 

"No, you have taken off way to many days of work. I'll be fine. I can last until you can leave."

"I don't want to leave you here alone." She furrows her eyebrows as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Look at me." I say grabbing her chin as I look her in the eyes. "I'll be fine."

"Okay, but only if you promise to stay here and get as much rest as possible."

"I promise." She kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug before leaving me. 

I try. I really do, but I just can't sleep. Maybe it has something to do with the weird dream I had with that Tsukasa person. I'm honestly not sure if I'd even call it a dream. It just seemed too real. As if it was a memory. Could it be that it was a memory? Was it a memory from my past life? Or am I just so caught up in this theory that my brain's willing to do anything to convince me it's true?

Sighing I slip off the bed and head out into the hallway. Hoping a small walk might clear my head a bit. I make it halfway around the school when I hear a faint whisper. I quickly turn my head but no one's behind me.

"Amane..." I hear again, this time it's louder.

"Whose there?" I call out but no response is given.

"Amane......Amane......Amane!" The voice starts to get louder and louder. "AMANE!" I fall to my knees holding my head in agony. My head feels as though it's going to split open from all this screaming. It doesn't stop, it keeps shrieking my name over and over again until all the sudden there is nothing but a ringing sound in my ear.

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