And so the nightmares begin

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"Hurry up I want to show you something!" Yashiro shouts running ahead of me on the hiking trail. For some reason she thought it'd be a great idea to go hiking in the woods early in the morning. And even though I'm not the biggest fan of constant walking, I find it sorta bearable when she's around.

"What exactly are you wanting to show me?" I ask trudging my way up the hill.

"You'll see." About a quarter of a mile later we come across an old wooden bridge. "Right past here and we will make it to the top!"

"Is there another way around?" 

"Are you scared of crossing the bridge?"

" Well it doesn't exactly look that stable."

"It's fine, I walk across it every other week when I going on my morning hike." She runs across it standing in the middle of the bridge. "See I told you it's fine."

"Just please hurry up and get on the other side."

"You worry too much, I already told you I'm safe. Here just watch." She jumps and lands on the wooden boards, swaying the bridge. "It's not going to bre-"


The wooden board beneath her breaks causing her to fall, luckily she caught ahold of one of the ropes holding the bridge together, saving her from falling into the deep ditch below. Without a second thought I transform into my grim reaper form and run after her knowing if I stay human and try saving her I'd only add more weight to the bridge which would cause it to snap. I reach out my cold dead hand towards her terrified face.

"Grab hold of my hand." I instruct. She glances at my hand then at my face.

"A-Amane? Is that you?"


"But how-?"

"There is no time to explain, I'll tell you everything later. Just grab my hand." She hesitates for a moment but quickly takes one of her hands off of the rope and grips onto mine. I yank her up in one swift movement, not wanting her to be in that situation any longer. I pull her into a tight hug not letting go. But It's not until I hear a small crack do I start to freak out. I hold her bridal style as I try to rush off this bridge. She clings to me as close as she can, whispering something under her breath. 


The rope that is holding half of the bridge together snaps causing her and I to fall. I land on my stomach on a boulder, but I don't see Yashiro anywhere. It doesn't make sense, I was holding her close to my chest as we both fell she shouldn't be too far. I whip my head around scanning the area until I spot her. As I get closer to her something doesn't seem right, she's laying on top of a pile of rocks but there is blood. I fall to my knees lifting her head up but one quick look at my hands covered with warm scarlet blood and I lose it. I shake her continuously, she doesn't move an inch, she doesn't even blink. I know she's dead but I just can't accept it, I grab hold of her once warm hand and squeeze it tight.

"Please wake up.....please." I stare into her open eyes that once were filled with joy and happiness but now are cold and soulless and can't help but bring her body close to mine, laying my head on my chest. I stay there for what feels like eternity, tears roll down my cheeks with no intention of stopping. "It's all....m-my fault. I let you die......" 

If only I was fast enough or held her tighter so she wouldn't have slipped through my grasp. I lose all feeling I once had in my body and repeat the same words over and over. It's all my fault.

I jolt awake drenched in sweat, I sit there as my mind runs through all of what just happen. I turn my head to the side to see I'm the only one in the bedroom. In a panic I rush out of the room and down the hall searching every single room for her. I get even more worried when I can't find her, it had to have been a dream, so why isn't she here? In a hurry I double check every inch of her apartment only to stop when I spot someone holding the fridge door open. Gorgeous ruby eyes are met with mine as Yashiro looks up and sees me. 

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