❤️~Wilbur Soot~ Coffee Shop~❤️

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Excuse me! Sorry! Watch out please! Excuse me!" Yelled out Y/n L/n as they ran down the street, their arms filled with books. They continued on their way, carefully running passed each and every person, doing their best to dodge people and apologize to those they bumped into.

As they reached their destination-that being a small café- they opened the door skillfully, holding onto their books and not letting them fall. They walked inside and sat down in a table by the large glass windows, setting their books down with them. They sighed out and grabbed their phone from their back pocket. Upon opening the messaging app, they saw a new message from their friend who was supposed to study with them today. They opened the message to see another cancelation. They stared at the screen dully, scrolling through the other messages saying the same thing.

"Sorry, I got caught up, can't make it."

"I have to go out with my boyfriend."

"Something came up, maybe next time."

"I have work today, sorry"

"I forgot someone already asked to study."

"Going out, can't today."

"The professor gave me extra work."

This kind of thing has been happening for three whole years-the entire time they've been in college. Their friend would say they would study at the same place each time, then blow them off after Y/n got there. Sighing, Y/n put their phone down on the table and got up to order a small snack and drink.

Of course, with them not paying much attention with their head down, they ran into someone's chest. They looked up to see a tall man with fluffy brown hair and circular glasses. The man looked down at Y/n, causing them to blush and stutter over their words when they saw how good looking he was.

"I uh- uh I-I'm sorry!" They managed out and backed away quickly, fiddling with their fingers. The man chuckled at their situation.

"It's alright, are you okay?" He asked in slight worry.

"Y-yes I am, thank you." They said and tugged on the ends of their sleeves nervously. "I uh- I'll see you around." They quickly excused themselves and rushed to the counter to order. The tall man continued to chuckle at their shyness as he watched them scurry away.

After ordering (f/d) (favorite drink) and (f/s) (favorite snack) they sat down at their table and sighed. They grabbed their textbooks and opened the first one. "Mind if I sit here?" A deep voice asked, breaking their "concentration". They looked up from the book to see the same man from before. They quickly glanced around to see all of the other tables full before moving some of their textbooks out of the way so he could sit and set his drink on the table. They nodded and he sat down.

"I'm Wilbur." He introduced himself with a kind smile.

"I'm Y/n." They returned the smile.

"What are you reading about?" Wilbur asked, trying to make conversation.

"Mixtures of colors." They smiled up at him.

"You're an artist?" He grinned.

"I guess?" Y/n laughed. "I don't know really. I don't consider myself an actual artist, but I do study art." They said. Wilbur nodded and watched them work as he sipped his drink.

"Do you have any art work of your own?" He questioned. Y/n looked up at him in thought before nodding and uncovering a sketchbook from underneath the textbooks. They handed it to him and he gently took it from their hands. When he grabbed the book, their hands brushed up against each other and Y/n blushed before going back to their work.

"You said you weren't an artist!" Wilbur nearly shouted as he excitedly looked over the well-designed drawings. He studied each page carefully before going to the next. Y/n nervously chuckled, glancing around to see some other people staring, making them blush in embarrassment. "These drawings are so realistic, are you sure they aren't photos?" He joked.

"They aren't. Watch this." Y/n took the sketch book from him momentarily and started a small sketch. Wilbur stared at the sketch intently. After a minute or so, Y/n looked up at Will to see that he was amazed to see that they had just done a small and undetailed sketch of him then and there. They had just met and Y/n could already draw something like this?

"Whoa." Wilbur breathed out. He traced the outlines of the sketch with a bright grin before smiling up at Y/n from his leaning position. They rubbed the back of their neck with a chuckle. "How- how do you do that?" He leaned forward in anticipation. Gaining some confidence, Y/n leaned forward as well.

"My secret." They whispered and leaned back into their chair, bopping Wilbur on the nose and giggling at his reaction. Wilbur leaned back as well, but with a face of light surprise. After a few seconds passed, he quietly chuckled, looking up/down at them to see a mischievous smile. Y/n snickered at him and covered their mouth with their hand.

"Alright, your secret, Ms/Mr. Artist." He teased. Y/n playfully scoffed in reply.


Five Months Later

"Will!!!" Shouted out a familiar voice as they ran into the tall man's back, wrapping their arms around his torso as tight as possible.

"Wha- Y/n??" Wilbur looked behind him to see the (H/c) boy/girl/person. "You act like we haven't seen each other in a long time." He chuckled.

"It has been a long time!" They corrected and tightened their grip-if that was even possible. Wilbur turned around in their embrace and wrapped his arms around them to return the hug.

"Y/n, it's been a day- "He dead-panned.

"Uh- who is this?" A new voice asked sassily. Y/n and Will turned to the voice to see a tall blonde-haired teen.

"The real question is- who are you?" Y/n teased and stuck their tongue out at the boy. Wilbur chuckled and Y/n joined in- giggling. "Just kidding, I'm Y/n, what's your name?" They said kindly and waved.

"Wait- Y/n ?! The Y/n !?" The teenager shouted, definitely catching bystander's attention in the street.

"The one and only." Y/n smirked at Wilbur who blushed and turned away. "You must be Tommy." They smiled. "Wilbur's little brother." They added with another smirk. Neither of the boys disagreed, making Y/n even happier. "So! Water park today?" They clapped and put their arms around the boys' shoulders.

Multi-Fandom Oneshots/Random scenariosحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن