30 // moving forward

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Casey slept at my house after the date since it was a cold night I convinced him a lot easier since he didn't want to get killed by my brother aka his bestfriend but waking up to him being in his arms for the whole night was like heaven, it was like I was on cloud nine and I was loving every bit of it, I even enjoyed waking up before him because that jusg meant I got to see him peacefully sleeping, I felt safe in his arms and I felt like I was at home, I wouldn't rather be anywhere other than here right now but soon enough he started opening his eyes and I only hoped that he wouldn't get out of bed
"Goodmorning ya creep" he said causing me to giggle
"Hey that's not nice" I replied
"Well your the one watching someone sleep" he said making us both laugh, fuck I could get used to this and I would love to get used to this.

He was so cute with his messy bed hair and with his sleepy husky voice
"Your kind of turning me on" I said kissing his neck
"And how am I doing that sexy"
"By looking that hot" I said and before I knew it he was on top of me kissing me all over, yeah I could definitely get used to this, at that moment we didn't care that my whole family were downstairs we wanted each other we craved each other, I couldn't get enough of him being this close to me I couldn't get enough of his warm body, he always just left me with wanting more and more 

We cuddled abit longer afterwards both not wanting to move after we got our frustrations out on each other before he said "I guess we better get up" sounding more awake
"But I don't want to" I replied
"I know babe me either but we have friends coming over tonight"
"Shit I totally forgot about that" I replied leaving him laughing on my bed
I had a quick shower got dressed for the day and walked downstairs where Casey went to get everything planned for the day, all our friends were coming over tonight even the kids were having some friends over so we needed to get this house cleaned and ready for the guest even if they still won't be here for a while.

It took us pretty much all day to get the house cleaned and to set the backyard up, tables for food, chairs to sit and even a fire to stay warm and it was now time for people to start showing up, Casey and Kimberly were obviously the first ones here, Casey had to go home to get changed and pick Kim up, a few of miles Jackson's Alex jades and ryders friends got dropped off, Charlotte and addie were the first ones to arrive of my friend group which didn't surprise me since their always the first, then it was Amy jasmine Caleb Luke and Kyle and some of Mitchell's and Sasha friends, it was going to be a big night and I couldn't wait for it, I haven't had much time lately to spend time with my friends and to catch up because of work and everything else going on and plus all my free time lately has been going to Casey not thag I'm complaining but I felt bad for not making time for my bestfriends.

Everyone was enjoying their self the kids were running around the backyard and others were playing some games, Mitchell was hanging around his friends same with Sasha and so was I and well Casey was coming between Mitchell's and I group as he was friends with both of our friends, everyone was laughing and mucking around this is what I missed.

After a while Charlotte pulled me to the side, I knew something was up with her she just didn't seem like herself at all
"Hey babw you okay?" I asked as soon as we were away from everyone
"Not really shit at home is fucked and much worse"
"What happened babe" I said giving her a quick hug
"Well the fights used to be only a couple times a week and now it's pretty much everyday I can't get a break my brother is going off the walls and mums doing nothing about it she's only triggering it even more by fighting back" she replied making me feel bad for her
"Move in here you don't deserve that shit and I know how hard it can be" I replied it was the only way I knew she would be able to move on in her life
"But you have enough people living in this house" she replied being her stubborn self
"One more won't hurt"
"Are you sure I don't want to put anymore pressure on you"
"I'm positive your family char and your always welcome here the others won't mind at all we just want the best for you and we want you to live your best life" I replied and before I knew it Charlotte wrapped her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug before replying "I'd love to thankyou so much tay for everything"
And just like that we had a new person living with us I was happy that she accepted to move in because I knew how hard it was with a fucked up family and now since my family is getting better I could actually offer for her to move in, otherwise if my family was still the same I wouldn't want her to move in as what would be the point moving out of one fucked up family to be with another fucked Up family?

We made our way back to the group and I took a few moments to admire all the people in my life, Alex had made friends and he wasn't his quiet self anymore, the kids were al enjoying them self and playing like normal kids should, Sasha and Mitchell were even laughing and seemed generally happy, I'm so glad that my family finally came together and now it's our time to live the life we want, how could I be so lucky with the family friends and partner I have? It was a challenge to get to where we were and it was fucking tiring but we bloody did it, we did it together by each other's side and I'm glad we never gave up once, miles isn't the angry little kid he once was anymore, we gained two new brothers thag have been the best things we could ask for when we didn't know how it wasn't going to turn out, we got rid of our mother and father from hurting us any longer and we became a normal and happy family with great support and love from everyone around us.

After fighting our whole life we are finally gaining the life we truely deserve.

I walked over to Casey and gave him a big kiss on the cheek wrapped my arms around him and said "I love you Casey black"
"I love you too Taylor Johnson but what was that for"
"I just missed you" even if he was only a few meters away from me
He giggled and said "I missed you too princess" and of course I couldn't help but blush at the fact he called me princess and was just his cute self.

We made it, we made it together as one big family and all our hard and bad nights finally are paying off.

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