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          Eve finished her ice cream before deciding to watch the television her grandfather had finally gotten.  Emotionally drained and on autopilot, she wasn't aware of the programs flashing across the screen.  Lucy watched Eve while standing next to a window, which overlooked the driveway.  She was worried about her daughter and was angered by the fact that she didn't know what to do for her.  The phone suddenly rang, jarring Lucy from her thoughts.  Reluctant to leave Eve alone, she wrestled with whether or not to answer it.  The ringing, however, demanded she answer it.  Lucy growled obscenities, charged into the kitchen, and ripped the phone off the wall while answering, "Yes?!"

          "Lucy, darling, it's me," Max responded.

          "Oh, Max darling.  I'm sorry, what is it?" Lucy asked.

          "There's a problem.  I'm coming home early.  I'll have David and the others with me," Max informed Lucy.

          "Honey, no, you can't bring them here.  Eve can't handle Paul and the other three right now," Lucy answered.

          "The boys are in bad shape.  We have to tell Eve everything now," Max said, clearly ignoring Lucy.

          "Didn't you hear me?  Don't bring them here!" Lucy shouted.

          "I'll see you when we get there," Max said before hanging up.

          "No, Max!" Lucy screamed just as the line went silent.

          "Who's on the phone?" Eve asked from the door frame.

          "Eve, honey, you surprised me!  That was Max," Lucy answered while placing the phone back in the receiver.

          "What did he want?" Eve questioned.

          "He and the boys you met at dinner are coming," Lucy responded as she tried to smile calmly.

          "Why're they coming?" Eve nervously asked.

          "I'm not sure," Lucy answered.

          "I'm not interested in any company.  Mind if I go to my room?" Eve asked as she teetered on her feet.

          "Yeah, sweetie, go ahead," Lucy answered.

          Eve lowered her head, folded her arms across her chest, and headed towards the stairs.  Lucy watched her daughter trudge up the stairs and her concern grew with each step Eve took.  Frustrated with her husband and the situation at hand, Lucy began pacing.  What was she going to do when he got here?  And he wouldn't be alone.

          Eve made it to her room and shut the door behind her.  Walking over to her bed, she listened to the pacing footsteps of her mother.  Knowing that her mother was anxious caused anxiety to surge within her.  The painful thumping in her chest combined with her breath coming out in near pants made Eve dizzy.  Fear gripped her heart as she began to fear the possibility of a heart attack.

          Downstairs, Lucy continued to pace as thoughts sped through her mind.  She knew that now wasn't the time for Eve to learn everything, or for that matter, anything.  From outside, Lucy heard the familiar sound of Max's car.  She could tell he and the boys weren't that far from the house.  Knowing they were close frustrated her because she knew there wasn't any time to plan.  Soon after hearing Max's car, a set of headlights made shadows dance across the living room walls.  Lucy braced herself for the impending chaos that her impatient husband decided to bring home.  She wondered what Max meant when he said the boys weren't in good shape.  Lucy truly did love them, but Eve outweighed that love.  Lucy knew making Eve comfortable was the first thing that needed to happen before anything else.

The Lost Boys ~ The MateWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu