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          Still flying over Santa Carla, Eve screamed at her pilot, "Put me down, you psycho!"

          Marko eyed her quickly, feeling slightly wounded by her insult, before replying, "Alright!  Let me find a private spot!" Marko surveyed the grounds below before spotting an empty and secluded field.  As he began to lower himself and Eve to the ground, she began trying to kick herself free.  Marko tightened his grip on her so she wouldn't fall and injure herself.  Once his feet hit the ground, Marko turned her loose.

          "What the hell are you?!" Eve questioned as she tried to put distance between herself and Marko.

          "I can explain everything.  Just, stay put, ok?" Marko countered, holding up a hand in peace.

          "You were flying!" Eve screamed.

          "Yeah, I can do that.  So can my friends...and your family," Marko slowly explained.

          "My mom and brothers can't fly!  That's bullshit!" Eve shrieked while bending over to pick up a dirt clot.

          "Yes, they can!  I wouldn't lie to you!" Marko shouted before dodging the dirt clot that Eve hurled at his head.

          "People can't fly!" she screamed as she threw another dirt clot.

          "Vampires can!  Your mom, brothers, Max, and the other guys are vampires!" Marko yelled back at Eve, his patience running thin.

          "No!" Eve screamed as she turned away from Marko.

          "I'm a vampire!" Marko shouted before moving closer to Eve.

          "No!" Eve cried out.

         "I'm your vampire," Marko whispered suddenly into Eve's ear.

         "How?!" Eve cried out, startled by Marko suddenly being directly behind her.  She turned to face Marko, her eyes large and filled with tears.  Backing up, she tripped over an errant rock and nearly fell.  Before she connected with the ground, Marko reached out and pulled her into his chest.  Panting, Eve braved a look into his hazel eyes.  There was warmth and love swimming in their depths.  But fear and disbelief overpowered the brief feeling of longing she felt, compelling Eve to push against him.

          "Eve, please, I won't hurt you!" Marko pleaded.

          "Let me go!" Eve cried out.

          "Okay!" Marko shouted before releasing her.

          Eve looked around, trying to locate an escape route.  But turning in all directions revealed how hopeless that might be.  Warily looking at Marko, she wondered if he'd chase her.  Marko tilted his head to the side before sitting down with his legs crossed.  Patiently waiting, he gazed at Eve to see what she'd do.  Eve gazed back before tiredly sitting down across from Marko and asking, "Are you really a vampire?"

          "I was flying, wasn't I?" Marko countered.

          "And my mom and brothers?" Eve asked.

          "Yeah, they're vamps, too.  David turned Michael and Sam, but Max turned your mom," Marko said.

         "What's your name?" Eve asked him.

          "Oh, yeah!  We never actually got properly introduced!  I'm Marko," Marko answered with a large smile.

          "My head's going to explode," Eve murmured, staring at the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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