3.2 - Broken Promises

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⚠️TW!! Blood and Gore!!⚠️

Lucinda's POV:
I was hopeless.

My nervous system was messed up thanks to the hit I took to my head a few hours ago. It was hard to send signals to my arms and legs to move. There was a constant sharp pain in the back of my head. My legs and hands were covered in bruises. I've had enough of hitting myself against walls and floors trying to stay alive. My hair was a mess. I had put it in a ponytail to keep it out of my face, but there were still strands sticking out. One which was over my face.

For the most part, I was fine.

I wish I could say the same about my ankle.

As expected, David did notice me when I got out of the vent. He came right for me while gripping his bat tightly. When I tried to get up, but I must've stepped wrong because I fell back down and landed on my left ankle in the most awkward position imaginable. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't groan when I hit the floor. However, I knew that I didn't have the time to be laying on the floor. I rolled out of the way right as David's bat hit the floor where my head once was, leaving a crack in the floor.

Ignoring the additional sharp pain in my ankle, I quickly got up and ran to the railing of the spiral staircase. Taking a glance behind me, I saw David holding his bat up in the air, aiming for my head. I gasped before jumping onto the stairs. My ankle was already in pain and moving it made it even worse. It would take more than a few days to heal if I keep moving it around like this. If I was still alive by then, that is.

I didn't bother to look down at my sprained ankle since I knew it would be ugly. It would be all swelled and bruised up. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to think about it right now. All I needed to do was ignore the pain, stay alive, and find my father. I leaped and rolled off of the edge of the spiral stairs. It had to have been at least 10 feet because I heard a sickening crack in my back the second I hit the floor.

I saw a little blood come out of my mouth, as well.

For some reason, though, I didn't care.

I didn't care that my back was potentially broken. I didn't care that I was coughing up blood. To even my own surprise, I simply wiped off the blood with my hand, got up, and was about to continue running, when I realized something. I could fight back. I've been taught to fight with and without a weapon for years. Now was the perfect opportunity to put those lessons to use. It seemed wrong, but I didn't care about what my father would think.

I wanted to live.

I felt David's presence a few feet away from me. I clenched my fists and bit my lip harder than the last few times. I stared down at my feet before moving my right foot. Now it was pointing towards the right. I started to sweat as I knew that my ankle would be in even worse condition, but it was either that or death. Everything went in slow motion after that. I only blinked once. The next thing I knew, David was on the ground beside me and my ankle felt worse than before.

"Seems like all those lessons came in handy," I muttered before turning around, "Thank you, Rose." I turned around and walked up to the door ahead of me, ignoring the pain in my ankle. After a few moments of waiting on the first floor, I heard voices. One trying to reassure the other. I put my hand on the door. I pushed it open. My vision was slightly blurry thanks to my broken skull. I rubbed my head with one hand while the other clung to the door.


"Kid!" I could faintly hear my father's voice said as I stumbled forward. Letting go of the door caused me to stumble and nearly fall thanks to my sprained ankle. I knew that kicking David hurt my ankle more, and walking only made it worse. I was caught in a pair of strong and familiar arms. They lifted me before one moved to the back of my head while the other went down to support my weight. "Oh, Cindy..." I heard my father mutter, "I was so worried...I thought I lost you too..."

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