8.1 - Carnival

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Lucinda's POV:
The distance between me and the carnival decreased.

At the same time, my anxiety increased. Although the carnival seemed extremely bright and happy, I knew that it would be anything but. I assumed that I only had about five to ten minutes before I arrived and would have to get off of the safety of the train. I already knew what I was going to do when I got off: Find Mr.P and stop him from infecting anyone else. I also wanted to know why he started all of this.

I turned to Luna, who was leaning against my rucksack that sat in the chair next to mine. I decided to take it off a few minutes earlier to get some weight off of my back. I carried a lot in there, after all. I changed a few bandages on my body and did some writing and taping in my journal. I had made jokes that I should be a photographer when I grew up before this. I took a few pictures of what I found at taped them next to my journal entries.

My eye then scanned the dog keychain on one of the zippers. I let out a heavy sigh before I opened the front pocket. I reached into it before I searching around it with my hand, hearing jingles from inside. Eventually, I found what I was looking for, and took it out. Soon, a bunny keychain laid in my hand. The bunny was smiling at my blank face. I groaned before I put the keychain on the same zipper that the dog keychain was on.

However, there was something else that seemed odd.

The zipper that lead to the second smallest pocket was slightly open, and I remembered that I closed it entirely. It wasn't until I placed the bunny keychain next to the dog one that I realized that it was open. I was confused and slightly creeped out, but I needed to know what was in there. Maybe it was a tracker to watch my every move. Did Mr.P put a tracker on me? Why? All I knew was that I wouldn't know until I looked inside.

I reached my hand into the pocket. "There's two things?" I asked myself shortly after. I managed to grab both of them between my fingers. My lips parted and a light gasp escaped as I looked at the items in my hand. Normally, I would cry, but no matter how hard I tried to force the tears out, they wouldn't. It was as if I suddenly lost the ability to cry. Nevertheless, I was still shocked by what I found in the pocket of my rucksack.

In my hand were two objects from the two people that got infected. One of them was Doggy's tie that he wore every now and then. "It's been bringing me good luck, kiddo," He once told me when I asked him about it. "Maybe someday it'll bring someone else good luck." I found it odd because he never let anyone near that tie, not even Rose. Seeing it in the pocket of my rucksack nice and folded made me feel confused and slightly guilty.

The other object was smaller, but of equal value. "Hey, Bunny? Why do you always use that hair tie?" I remember asking her a few years back. "It's my favorite one, Cindy," she had told me while putting her platinum blonde hair into a ponytail, "I always use it when I do something tough." A teal hair tie with a tiny teal bow on it sat in my palm. It was Bunny's favorite one, too. She must've slipped in my rucksack while hugging me.

"I...I don't understand..." was all that escaped my lips. Things that were important to my friends were now in my hands, forever tainted with my fingerprints. Why would Doggy and Bunny give me these? Did they slip them into my rucksack behind my back? These were things that they'd never give up to anyone, even with the current circumstances. Did they know that they were done for and wanted to give me something to remember them by?

Slowly and hesitantly, I put the tie around my neck underneath the collar of my white button up shirt. I fixed my sister's trench coat before taking out the black hair tie I had on my shoulder braid. I replaced it with Bunny's teal hair tie, making sure that the bow was in front. I wasn't sure whether this would make me look better or worse, but I didn't care at the moment. At least I could carry something of them with me on my journey.

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