7.2 - Losing Sanity

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Lucinda's POV:
"Remember, Cindy, If you want to run faster, breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth."

That's what Rose told me a few months ago when I found myself on a treadmill with her at my side. She'd decided to bring me along with her on one of her trips to the gym. At that point, I had built up my stamina pretty well and had gotten stronger. I could pick up dumbbells that weighed fifty kilograms. I could run on treadmills on high speeds during long times. It was hard, but I managed to push through with help from my big sister.

I hoped she was proud of me.

While Rose helped me more with exercise, my mother went down the medical path with me. "I know that the hospital can take care of people better than officers, but we want the injured to survive long enough to get them to a hospital," she'd tell me. Thanks to her, I knew how to do CPR, and how to quickly take care of open wounds to prevent an infection. I also knew how to wrap a bandage properly and in a timely fashion. My father would sometimes joke about how my mother should've been a doctor instead. I silently thanked her for everything she's taught me.

Alongside exercise and medical lessons, when it came to my father, he was more directed towards weaponry. I was hesitant and wouldn't stop shaking when he first put a gun in my hands. I was afraid that I might accidentally kill someone with it when I aimed it at the target. It seemed like it was miles away. However, when I felt my father's hands cup mine, the shaking stopped. "You'll be nervous the first couple times, kiddo, but after a few months, it'll be a walk in the park!" He'd say. I knew that he'd be proud finding out that I finally managed to shoot with one hand.

Exercise, medical help, and weaponry. Everything I knew from those categories I learned from them. They'd always get sent weird looks from others, and I couldn't blame them. Seeing a child with a gun, scalpel, or dumbbell wasn't something you saw everyday. However, all the hard work I put into focusing on getting better paid off, and it really showed over these past four weeks. I knew how to handle most situations.

However, being chased by a zombie in a metro station was something I didn't know how to handle.

My feet quickly carried me up the stairs as the zombie behind me followed me. I ran down the hall for a bit before I quickly dropped down and slid through a vent. I did a front roll before quickly getting back up on my feet and running once more as the zombie came through the door. We were currently in what looked like a waiting room. The room was covered in chairs, trash, and vending machines. It was quite the interesting combo.

My eye caught a blue keycard sitting inside one of the vending machines. I needed to find something to get that card out of there. I quickly pushed that thought to the back of my head as I threw myself at another door, forcing it open. My scream was cut off as I hit the ground. I quickly turned and laid on my back, only to see the zombie behind me. I gasped before quickly using my foot to kick the door shut. I used the small time window to get back up and run away.

My side hit the wall hard. I bit my lip in pain as I pushed myself off of the way with my cold and scarred hands. The zombie was close behind me, and I still needed to do alot of work in order to escape. I currently had the red key gripped tightly between my fingers as sweat ran down my face. I was already at the door, but the zombie found me before I could unlock the door, so I had no choice but to run around to get back to the door.

I quickly pulled out my pistol before turning around and shooting the zombie in the leg. I turned around before I could see it hit the floor and bolted down the stairs while skipping a few steps. I ran past the smelly trash cans before going up to the green door. While panting and shaking, I unlocked the red lock and tossed it out the way before throwing myself at the door. I fell to the floor once more. This time, I got up slower and my eye met a wrench sitting a few feet away from me on a bench.

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