Travelling To The Hidden Kingdom

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"Oh, yes, my precious Ina-yuki..." the mysterious figure cackled and grinned as she watched everything unfold through her crystal ball. "Your powers are growing quite nicely! Any more, and you will be here... by my side... and soon ready to take over the world with me..."


The group had zoomed over North, driving farther and farther away from their frozen city.

Much to Crusher's dismay, the fjord was spreading outward, and the jungles and forests outside of Axle City were also covered in snow. Because of that, they had no choice but to keep their warm clothes and the crystals on.

During the journey, Crusher and Pickle dragged themselves behind the group, with the green truck doing his best to distract the group while the dark blue truck was trying to cast a spell to reverse the storm.

Easier said than done, of course.

There had been a few close calls, of course, but thankfully, the surroundings were cold and snowy enough to be excused as a coincidence.

After a while, night had began to fall, and the group had to seek shelter. Luckily, they managed to find a cave big enough to fit them all.

"And that... should... do it!" Stripes sighed in relief as he lit up the campfire. "There! That should last us all night,"

"Thank goodness," Starla let out a sigh as Watts cuddled up to her. "My tires were gettin' tired from trekking all day!"

"Are these crystals going to last all the way to the Snow Queen's Kingdom?" Darington asked the tiger truck, snuggling up to Blaze, who had him locked in his tires to help with the warmth.

"They should," Stripes nodded. "These ice crystals usually last decades,"

"That relief," Zeg spoke, laying down as AJ and Gabby sat his sides. "but Zeg hungry now,"

"Me too..." Watts moaned, feeling her stomach grumble.

"Same," Darington whimpered.

"Don't worry, guys, we've got some food supplies," Blaze assured them as he brought out a sack of fruit that he and Stripes had collected for the trip.

"Yes! FOOD!" Starla licked her lips as the sack was passed, causing her to grab the first apple she saw inside. "Man, I thought we were gonna starve out here in the cold!"

"Nah, we've come prepared!" Stripes declared, reaching in for an orange before passing it.

The group each got a fruit as the sack was passed. Only Pickle didn't because he had his own food supplies (cough, pickles, cough). Crusher got a peach and began to munch as the tiger truck skimmed through his book.


"What's wrong, Stripes?" AJ asked, biting into a banana.

"Nothing... it's just..." Stripes hissed. "It says here that the Hidden Snow Kingdom is a tricky place to find. There are lots of landmarks that we still need to pass in able to know that we're getting closer to the kingdom,"

"What landmarks?" Gabby questioned.

"Well, FIRST, we need to go over the Mountain of Snow Wolves," Stripes replied.

"What that?" Zeg tilted his head, chewing on a mango.

"According to this, it's a mountain infested with snow wolves, which are dangerous beings that could blend in with the snow and could pop out of nowhere," Stripes explained, reading from the pages. "It also says that the snow wolves respond to warm blooded, living beings like us, so we have to be super quiet if we pass their den,"

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