Losing Control

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Meanwhile, the group were falling from the sky. They all screamed as they fell until they managed to land on the bottom part of the Mountain of the Snow Wolves, crashing onto the snow with a thud.

"Crusher..." Blaze managed to whisper, eyes stinging with tears. "What have we done...?"

"It's okay, Blaze," AJ assured him. "We'll find a way to get to him again,"

"If only friends not yell bad things to Crusher..." Zeg grumbled, glaring at Starla.

"Hey! Why you glarin' at me for?!" Starla raised her tires in defense.

"You started all this!" Stripes yelled

"I was just pointin' out the facts!" Starla defended. "Darington joined in too!"

"I did..." Darington said, humiliated. "Sorry, B,"

"It's okay, Darry," Blaze sighed. "And guys, let's not pin the blame on anyone. It's not any of your faults, and it's not Crusher's either,"

Starla sighed. "I guess I was just tired of his whining... and his other stuff..."

"Well, how do we get back to talk to him?" Gabby asked.

"We'll have to go through the same way we came," Blaze told them. "We're already past the mountain. We just need to head through the forest! Come on!"

Back at the Snow Queen's palace, Crusher was facing the Snow Queen, whom called herself his mother.

Yeah, right. Even if she is by blood, she would never be by heart.

Pickle stood by his side, nervous but still willing to stay by his best friend's side as they faced the Snow Queen, who was on her throne and glancing down at them.

"Alright, so we're alone, my Ina-yuki," she spoke. "What is it that you want to talk about?"

"I never had powers until yesterday, which was my birthday," Crusher told her. "Why is that?"

"Your grandmother locked away your powers when she took you away from me," the Snow Queen replied. "I only thought that it was a good idea for you to have them back,"

"But why?" Crusher narrowed his eyes. "Why do you want me back? Why now? And how?"

"Can I not just want my child back by my side?"

"After 18 years?" Crusher raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." the Snow Queen smirked. "you grew into a wonderful cheater. I HAD to take advantage of that fact, you know,"

"How did you even give me my powers back anyway?"

"A little... magic," the Snow Queen flicked her tires around. "You already had your inventing magic from your father. I just needed to give your abilities a little... push,"

"Okay... so... what was so important about me being 18?"

"Like I said, I've watched you grow into a marvelous cheater and villain to Axle City," the Snow Queen answered with a grin. "And now that you're 18, your powers are strong and powerful... perfect for freezing over the whole world,"

"Wait, what?!" Crusher was taken back. "I KNEW that you had a scheme in there!"

"Now, now, Ina-yuki, scheming runs in the family," the Snow Queen cackled. "Don't be so surprised,"

"Not schemes that low!"

"I wouldn't want to oppose the scheme, though," the Snow Queen's eyes gleamed devilishly. "You wouldn't want something bad to happen to your little friend here, now, do you?"

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Try me." the Snow Queen moved closer to them.

"Get BACK!" Crusher growled as Pickle cowered behind him. "Pickle, go! Run!"

Pickle jumped and zoomed as fast as he could. The Snow Queen growled and slammed her tire onto the ground, causing ice rocks to appear and make it's way towards the green truck. Crusher gasped.

"Pickle, NO!"

As soon as he reached out to his best friend, however, his own magic came out and hit Pickle before the rocks could, causing him to fall.

"Oh no..." Crusher stared down at his tires in horror. "Wh-What have I done...?"

"Oh, yes, Ina-yuki," the Snow Queen snorted. "what HAVE you done? Hurt your best friend, of course!"

"I... I'm fine," Pickle shuddered as he picked himself up. "J-Just... cold,"

"No... no! I don't want any part of this!"

"Too late." the Snow Queen smirked. "This is all YOUR fault now, my child."

Crusher trembled as he fell on his tires in shock. Pickle turned to him and drove over to comfort him, a tire on his shoulder, which was as white as snow.

"I'm fine, Crusher," he assured him. "Honest!"

"No... Starla was right..." he sobbed. "I'm a monster!"

"You're not a monster!" Pickle hugged him. "It... It was an accident!"

"An accident that's hurt YOU, of all people!" Crusher began to cry harder. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

"No..." Crusher snarled through his tear filled eyes. "I won't let you."

"You wouldn't have a choice," the Snow Queen stomped her tire down, and a cage of ice formed around them. "If you aren't with me, child, you're against me."

"At least I'm not the one who froze his best friend's heart," the Snow Queen mocked with a smirk.

"I did what...?"

"Oh, you are such a idiotic child," the Snow Queen snorted and turned away. "At least you'll be able to see his corpse before he freezes completely. Farewell now!"

With that, she left, slamming the doors shut.

Meanwhile, the group had made it past the forest and were in the Lost Village once more.

"Made it..." Gabby sighed.

"Now we just need to get to the castle again," Blaze said.

"But how? The guards will just come after us!" Stripes said.

"Or you could just get caught,"

The group jumped to see the Snow Queen towering over them as she smirked.

"Well... we're doomed..." Darington muttered.

"Where is Crusher?!" Blaze demanded. "What have you done to him and Pickle?!"

"Crusher is against me, so I am letting him watch his friend turn to an icy corpse... which is his own fault."

"WHAT?!" the group gasped.

"Liar!" Stripes roared out. "Crusher would never do such a thing!"

"He did, and if I must, I will show you myself."

She twirled her tires around, and the group gasped as magic swirled around them and transported them to the palace.

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