The Snow Queen's Presence

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The group soon reached the Lost Village. The place was covered in snow and ice as corpses were left all over the place.

"Creepy..." Darington shuddered.

"Yep," Blaze held the stunt truck closer. "Stripes, are you sure that this is the place?"

"Positive!" Stripes nodded and held out the map. "The corpses were to be expected,"

"But from here, where do we go?" Watts questioned.

"Forward," Stripes pointed to the castle behind the village. "THIS village is technically part of the Snow Queen's Kingdom,"

"Okay... but be careful," AJ said.

The group all entered the village. Crusher looked around and felt his stomach sink with every passing corpse.

"This is too dark, even for me..."

"Zeg no like village," Zeg whimpered. "It too creepy,"

"Now I'm wonderin' if we HAVE to go and see the Snow Queen..." Starla hissed.

Suddenly, the ground shook once more, causing the group to freeze in the spots.

"What was that?!" Pickle looked around in panic.

Before anyone could reply, the sound of stomping feet echoed all through the village, and they all turned to see giant ice guards.

"Seriously?!" Crusher blurt out.

"Intruders!" the guards cried out, pointing their staffs at them. "Get them!"

"Split up!" Stripes yelled.

They spread across the village, Darington, Blaze and AJ moving to one part of the village, Starla, Watts, and Gabby moving another while Zeg and Stripes went off somewhere else. Crusher grabbed onto Pickle and zoomed off to follow and spready out when Pickle was suddenly grabbed.


"Pickle!" Crusher cried out. "LET HIM GO--- GAH!"

He was suddenly grabbed, allowing him to let out a scream.


"CRUSHER! PICKLE!" Blaze was the first to turn and gasp before driving forward to save them. "Hang on, you two!"

"Blaze, watch out!" AJ cried out as a guard reached out to grab them.

"Woah!" Blaze drove back, causing the guard to miss. "Phew! That was close!"


He turned to see a guard snatching Darington into it's arms.


"HELP, BLAZE!" Blaze glanced around as the guards also spread out to grab each of his friends.

"Oh no..."

"BLAZE!" AJ yelped as he and the red truck were also grabbed.

"Queen's orders are to bring the intruders to her palace." the head guard spoke.

The other guards nodded, and they all marched towards the palace.

"Well... I guess we'll get to see the queen after all," Pickle said.

"How unfortunate," Crusher grumbled.

As soon as they made it to the palace, the ice doors burst open, and the guards carried them inside. The group gasped as they looked around the palace.

"Sheesh... what a chilly place..." Stripes shuddered.

"This IS the Snow Queen's palace," Starla pointed out.

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