Chapter 2

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"Hay? What's their name?" Hay is what I've been calling her since forever. But I am curious as to who it is.

"I am so so glad you asked. I reached out to her," okay.. so it's girl, "and I was really surprised when she got back to me. But, without further adieu, please welcome..."


"... please welcome Kaya Scodelario!!"

Kaya? Is it actually her? Oh man I haven't seen her in 3 years. What am I supposed to say? As the mess in my head is continuing Kaya walks up next to Hailey.

She says, "Hey thank you for reaching out to me! This is going to be a lot of fun!" 

Scanning the crowd she sees me and says, "Y/N/N? Is that you?" (A/N: Y/N/N for you that don't know is your nickname)

"Hey Kaya..."

Everyone gets back to work and we end up finishing the shoot later then expected. Kaya turns to me and says, "Hey Y/N? Do you mind giving me a ride back to my flat?"

"Yeah sure no problem."

The ride was pretty awkward. We didn't talk much but there really wasn't much to say. 

"So how's acting going for you?"

"It's actually going really well! I'm glad you made me take that first job."

Stifling a laugh I say, "So, are you working on anything now?"

"Yeah, I am actually. It's called The Maze Runner." (A/N: Yes I know she wasn't in The Maze Runner when she was 17 but just pretend she, and the whole cast pretty much, was.)

"Yeah? What's it about?"

Once she finished explain the plot we get to her flat. 

"You should come to the premiere with me! I'll bring you as my plus one."

"Really? That would be cool."

"Yeah come on! Why don't we hang out tomorrow and we can talk more."

"Yeah sounds great."

As she opens her front door she says, "I'll text you where to meet tomorrow!"

"Night mate!" I shout as she goes inside. 


I get in bed and check my phone. Jeez. Why do I have so many notifications? I check the notifications and they are all from my social media. Why? Most of them are from Instagram so I open the app and see it. She didn't. But she did. Hailey posted the pictures from the shoot on her instagram. Oh god great. I've gotten so many followers and likes from her post. Just as I was about to text Hailey I get a text form Kaya.

"Hey Y/N! Meet me the canteen we would always go to in 20 minutes."

"Alright. See you there!"

I get ready and leave.


When I get to the restaurant I see Kaya already sitting down. I can barely get to her as there is a sea of people crowding her. I know I'm not going to get past them, so I just stand there and wait. After a while it gets boring, as I turn to leave, I hear someone saying my name.

"Y/N! Hey!" I turn around and Kaya continues, "Sorry about all the people. I thought we would be able to have a nice meal without being disrupted."

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