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We all decided to go out for lunch. On the way here, I told Kaya that this is when I'm going to tell everyone about the job offer and get their opinions. 

Everyone was already here except for Ki Hong. So, we waited. 30 minutes passed and he still isn't here. "Someone ring Ki Hong."

"Why don't you do it Y/n?"

"Because I don't have his number idiot!"

Will was the quickest so he rings up Ki Hong.

"Yeah. Man, you were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago."

"Wait. Where? Why?" I hear Ki Hong say.

Will sighs but continues, "Because Y/n has an announcement and *says name of your favorite restaurant*."

"Alright. I'll be there."

"Why weren't you here 30 minutes ago?"

"I-uh.. I forgot."

Of course he did. 


Ki Hong finally arrived and I made my announcement. "So. What do you guys think I should do? I have to ring them back by tomorrow so..."

I wanted for their responses. I already knew Thomas's and Kaya's so they also kind of just looked around. 

Dylan was the first to speak, "I think you should do it."

Everyone seemed to agree to it so, "Alright. It's settled then. I'll ring them up real quick and I guess I'll head to America with you guys." I said the end specifically to Ki Hong and Dylan since they were leaving in 2 days. 

I stood up to excuse myself so that I could call them when, Thomas stood up shaking the table, and stomping off to the the washrooms. I saw smirks growing around the table but left confused as to what just happened. 


It was now the day we had to leave for America. Thomas hasn't spoken to me since the night I rang them so I never got a chance to say goodbye. I had already packed any things the night before so I was all ready when Dylan came to pick me up from Kaya's flat.

"Bye Kaya. I'll see you soon," I said, hugging her. 

We went out the door and started driving towards the airport when I got a text.

I'll miss you Y/n! I'll come visit you in America!

It was from Will. 

I'll miss you too Will!

We got out of the car and headed to out gate. We were about an hour early before boarding, so I told Dylan and Ki Hong I'm going to the shops. I spent 45 minutes in the shops but one. I have enough time, I thought. I was looking around when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I spin around to see Thomas jogging over to me. He was wear all gray joggers. 

"Hey Thomas."

"Hey. I came to see you off. Sorry I haven't rang you. I was too sad to face to fact that you were moving away. Decided I could deal with it. But it kept bugging me so, here I am." After a slightly awkward pause he continues, "Bloody hell, what am I saying? I like you, Y/n. I do. I know I've only known you for not that long, but, there's something about you that's just bloody captivating."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Thomas liked me? THE Thomas Brodie-Sangster likes.. me?

"I'm sorry Y/n. I'll just go now."

"No wait. Stay. I like you too, Thomas. I really do. I'll come visit you on holiday's and when ever I can. We can FaceTime all night."



Before I knew it Thomas had swept me up and swung me in circles. He put me down and I couldn't help but stare into his eyes. Looking down to my lips then back to my eyes he leans in. I never thought this would happen. We broke apart upon hearing it was my flight to board. 

"I'll see you soon Tommy."

"Bye Y/n/n."

A/n: Okay this Chapter was so so so much shorter but, I thought this was a good place to leave off. 

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