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We've been in America for a few months already. I've done the first few shoots and have around 6 left. I've been staying at Dylan's place since his is close to where I am shooting. I would be living here until 1, my contract ends and I go back to England or 2, I find my own place.

I sit on my bed at take out my book, when my phone starts buzzing. I take it out and look at the caller ID. Tommy

"Hey Tommy!"

"Hey Y/n/n!"

"Why are you calling?"

"Just wanted to say hi."

"Tommy you just rang me 5 hours ago."

"I know, but I still missed you!"

"Okay Tommy. Dylan's going to take me to a shopping centre. I'll call you when I get back okay?"

"Oh alright."

"Goodbye Tommy."

"Goodbye Y/n."

I hang up just as Dylan walks into my room. "Hey Dylan! What's up?"

"Ready to go?"

"Yup, let me just get my wallet."


We got back after a long time of shopping. There were so many new shops I've heard of but never got. I wonder why they weren't in the UK. The most favorite thing I bought today was a black cashmere jumper.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I called Thomas up and got the stuff I wanted to show him. It rang and rang and rang but he didn't answer. Maybe he's shooting right now. "Hey Dylan?"


"What's for dinner?"

"Uh.. I don't know? We can go out to eat?"

"Yeah I guess so. Where should we go?"

"I don't know? We can drive around til we find a place?"

"Yeah okay. Lemme get dressed."


After I got dressed we hopped in the car and started driving around. Whilst we were looking at places to eat I felt my phone buzzing. I looked at the screen and it said Tommy why is Tommy calling me?

"Hey Tommy! Why are you calling?"

"I saw a missed call from you. Sorry I was in an interview."

"It's alright. Where are you now?"

"Hey Y/n?" This time it was Dylan.

"Hold on Tommy. Yeah?"

"How about here? I've heard it's good." I looked at the place and it looked pretty fancy.

"Sure why not. Sorry Tommy, continue."

"Oh well. I uh. Can't really answer that." Why couldn't he answer? It seems like a fairly easy question.

"Alright." I said quite confused. "I have to go Tommy. We're going to eat dinner now. Bye"

"Bye Y/n!" Then he hung up. I'm not going to lie, it was nice hearing his voice again. I mean yeah I heard it this morning but still.

We walked in the restaurant and walked up to the seaters stand.

"Hello how many?"

Dylan whispered into the lady's ear but I couldn't hear what he said. "Ahh yes. Right this way." She leads us to a table set for 4 people. 4 people? Why is it 4? It should only be 2. Me and Dylan.

"Dylan why is there 4 settings?"

"Because now sit." Still confused I sat down.


After we ordered I had to use the restroom. When I got back to our table I was super confused. There were 2 new shadows of people. I got closer and then I recognized them. "Thomas? Kaya?" I came up to them and hugged them so hard! I couldn't believe they were here? But why were they here? "You know. I'm happy you're here and everything but, why are you here?"

"We wanted to surprise you. Dylan helped us." Kaya said.

"We'll I'm happy he did!"

"Hey Y/n? Do you mind if I speak to you. Later?"

"Sure Thomas."


We have all finished dinner and decided to go watch a film. We chose to watch Black Widow. It was really good! The end credit scene was amazing! I can't believe they are going to pin her death on Clint though. "Y/n?" Thomas's voice snapped me out of my thought.


"Could I talk to you now?"


We walk a little away from Dylan and Kaya, who are immersed in their own conversation, when he continues. "I know when you left, we had both shared our feelings, but I wanted to ask you. Do you still have those feelings? I mean we haven't seen each other in months and if we were to do this, it would be long distance. Which would be totally okay with me but, would it be okay with you?"

Even though I knew what he was asking, I wanted to hear it, "What are you asking Thomas?"

"Y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

A/n: Again this is a shorter chapter, and again I felt this was a good place to stop

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