25 0 0

A/N: I have decided to change the chapters into Roman numerals because they look cool.


(Y/n POV)

I sit on my bed waiting for Kaya to walk in. I need to tell her. Contemplating on whether or not to add something else I hear the doorknob turning. I snap my head to the door breaking me out of my daze. 

"Hey Y/N! Dylan said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah, I need to tell you something. Well, actually two things."

"Okay. Good or bad?" she says skeptically.

"Good. I think. Well, one is good. The other, I don't really know."

"Okay. Okay. I can work with this, spill."

"Alright fine," taking a deep breath preparing for her reaction, "I got a job."

"That's the news. You got a job?"

"You didn't let me finish, Kaya."

"Oops. Sorry, continue."

"KAYA! You did it again!  Whatever. The job is modeling... for Vogue."

I see Kaya take a deep breath preparing for a shriek. I squeeze my eyes shut and cover my ears. "AHHHHHHH!!" Yup. Kaya's screams are so bloody loud it's annoying. 

I smack my hand over her mouth, "SHUT UP," I whisper yell, "I haven't told anyone yet. But there's a downside."

Nodding her head at me, I release her mouth from my hand. "Okay. I'll keep it a secret, but two questions. One, when are you going to tell everyone? And two, what's the downside?"

"I'll tell them when I think it's right. I don't know yet. Maybe tomorrow at the Maze Runner celebration dinner. The downside is I might have to move to America. Not as a holiday, but permanently." 

Smacking her head she says, "Right. I forgot about the dinner. And it's okay for you to move. We can all visit you on our holiday's. This is an amazing opportunity. Take it." 

Although I can hear hesitation in her voice I say, "Okay. I'll get everyone else's opinions than decide. Thanks, Kaya." 

"Sure! What's the second news?"

"I- uhm. Never mind."

"No, no. You told me you had more news so you will tell me."

"Fine," talking as fast as I can so she can barely understand what I'm saying," I like Thomas." 

"I'm sorry. Pardon?"

I repeat, "I like Thomas."

"Come again?"

Sighing and shaking my head simultaneously, "I like Thomas." This time I say it slow enough for her to catch what I'm saying. 

"YES! I knew it!"

"Shut up Kaya! Thanks. For the advice though."

"No problem." With a smirk on her face she leaves my room. 

•••••••••(this is going to be the new time skip)

I wake up fully charged and get dress. Before heading downstairs for breakfast, I take a quick glance at the time. I didn't believe what I saw so I did a double take. 4:30? how am I fully awake this early. Doesn't matter. I head downstairs for breakfast but I hear someone else already in the kitchen. I spot an umbrella and grab it. Holding it up next to my head like a baseball bat, a creep around to the other side of the kitchen. Screaming, I hear a plate drop and a scream follows. I flick the switch on, "THOMAS?! What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I just woke up and was hungry."

"NO, I mean what are you doing here in Kaya's house?"

"Oh. She told me to stay over because my flat was too far."

"Oh. What are you eating?"

"Really? You go from yelling in my face to what I'm eating?"

"Y-Yeah? So? I'm hungry to." 

We each grab food and sit to talk. "I need to ask you something Thomas."

With a smile on he face he says, "Sure go ahead."

"I got a job, but I might have to move to America for it."

I see the smile disappear but he says in a happy tone, "That's amazing! Are you going to take it?"

"I don't know yet. I'm going to see what everyone says and then decide."

"Well, if you want the job, then you should take it." He doesn't look too happy about it but still manages to sound happy. Why isn't he happy? This could be a big step in my career. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

We sit in silence unsure of what to say next. 

Getting bored of not doing anything, we decide on watching a film. To my dismay, Thomas chooses a horror film. This one in particular has many, many jump-scares. I hear footsteps coming from the stairwell behind us. I spin around as fast as I can, scared that it's something from the film. It's just Kaya. Relaxing a bit I turn back around to the movie. It's one of those that scares you, but you can't look away. 

"How long have two been up?" I glance over at her and see a smirk slowly spreading across her face.

Confused, I respond, "I don't know what time is is?"

"7 in the morning."

"SEVEN?!" I turn back to Thomas, who I know realize is incredibly close to me. That's why Kaya was smirking. I take a quick look around and see Thomas's arm set behind my neck, my leg over his, and my arms wrapped around his left arm as if I was getting taken away from them. Blushing slightly I answer Kaya's question, "I've been up since 4:30. I came down here for food and Thomas was already here. Then we decided to watch a film."

"A horror film? Yeah, Thomas was the one that definitely chose that."

Letting go of Thomas, I walk over to Kaya to get more food. "What food do you have?"

"Y/N, you just ate like, 3 hours ago and you're already hungry?"

"Well when Y/n's gotta eat, she's gotta eat. Now. What food can I have?"

A/N: This chapter is a little bit shorter, but I thought that this would be a good place to stop. I really hope you're enjoying!

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