{27} Deadly Sarcasm

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We wait outside the door of the loft as the two Stilinski talk. I guess in this case it's more like just one. "You want to handcuff me?" The voice of Stiles echos in my ears. Only it doesn't sound anything like the young, sarcastic, and often annoying teen.

It sounds more deadly.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." The Sheriff locks the handcuffs into place and, call it a hunters' instinct, I get the sense that the thing in there with him isn't going to give up that easily.

There's a short tension filled pause before the sounds of, what I assume is, the handcuffs being broken fills the emptiness. "You're not my son." The Sheriff grimly announces.

At the sound of that Allison, my dad, and Derek walk inside. I stay back from the others and examine the nogitsune intently. It's safe to say that it's a straight out fact Stiles has never been tan in his life, and I haven't even known him for that long, but his body looks sickly pale now.

Allison points the taser at the nogitsune and shoots, but it grabs it wire before it can latch on and proceeds to yanking the whole thing out of Allison's grasp. Looks like electrocuting it is out of the question. Derek lunges towards it to attack but instead gets his ass handed to him on a nice sliver platter.

The nogitsune throws Derek aside like a rag doll and I have a hard time holding back a laugh. With the fact that it looks like Stiles just beat the crap out of mr. big bad scary sour wolf. My dad takes the opportunity to pull out his gun with the others still momentarily distracted.

Unfortunately the four of them turn to look at him since cocking a gun isn't exactly the quietest of noises. The Sheriff attempts at talking my dad into lowering the gun while my dad just argues back. My eyes are focused on the thing with Stiles face over it.

And that's exactly what it is, nothing more, nothing less. It's not just the way it talks but also how it holds itself that is in no way anything remotely close to how the teen would be. It catches me analyzing it and matches my gaze. For a second his eyes remain steady, unblinking, trying to get me to turn away.

But when I don't back down a hint of a devilish grin appears on it's face. "You said it yourself Mr. Stillinski that thing right there." I point at it with my sai, not bothering to hide them anymore. "Is not Stiles."

The Sheriff's expression goes tense, realizing that now two people are all for killing the nogitsune right here and now. Mr. Stillinski brings out his own gun and points it towards my dad.

Something I'm in no way any fan of.

"I suggest you put that gun down Sheriff because I might not hunt anymore, but I don't take too kindly to people threatening my family." I warn with a deadly serious tone to match my glare. Except he doesn't take his eyes off the gun he has aimed.

Something begins to protrude from my nails making me look down at the hand curled around one of my sai. My claws are emerged from my nails again and this time I notice just how long and pointed they are.

"Put it down and back away, both of you." Sheriff demands, making me raise an eyebrow at his tone.

"Dad, they both want to kill me. Please don't let them kill me." The nogistune begs with a bull shit scared tone and teary eyes.

"Shut the hell up!" I snap, taking a menacing step forward. A sharp tug on the sleeve of my jacket makes me stop in my tracks.

I turn my head to the side and feel my eyes shift back to normal once I see the look on my sister's face. Allison mouth is nervously contracted and her hand doesn't release the hold on me. Having already formed an idea about what will happen if she does.

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