{5} In Sickness And In Health

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After a short car drive to the forest we finally arrive at the spot. My dad starts walking, but I linger back abit grabbing Scott by the arm.

He turns to look at me confused as to why I'm not following my dad. I pull him close to me, making his cheeks tint red from the proximity.

I roll my eyes, on the verge of saying something else to embarrass him. "My dad can not find out about me helping or even talking to you guys." I whisper in a serious tone. He blinks a few times before nodding his head in agreement. I let go of his arm and walk quickly to catch up with my dad.

"You're tracking them by print?" My dad asks, crouching down by the footprints. I lean on a nearby tree behind my dad, not bothering to glance over at either Derek or Isaac. And no it's not because of what happened earlier. But I can't exactly strike up a conversation with them, without my dad getting suspicious or whatnot.

"Trying to." Scott answers, looking down at the footprints as well. I shift in my spot getting comfortable for the lecture I know my dad is going to dish out. He usually gives one out when someone is being an idiot and not hunting properly.

"Well, then you've been wasting your time." He tells them, getting up from his previous position. "There's only one creature on earth that can visually track footprints, and that's man." I clear my throat out. "And woman." He adds, giving me a subtle eye roll.

"And if you're not trained like us, you have no idea that this print is Boyd's and these--"

"Are Cora's." Isaac interrupts, a smug look on his face. I smirk at how wrong he is, before moving up next to my dad.

"Nope. They're yours." I correct, wiping the smug look off. "You trampled Cora's as soon as you stampeded all over the place."

My dad nods his head before looking towards the three werewolves. "Listen, I know the three of you are focusing half your energy on resisting your own urges under the full moon, but that puts you at a severe disadvantage to Boyd and Cora who have fully given in."

"So what do we do?" Derek asks.

"Any chance you can sense them near, Alice?" Dad asks. He nudges my shoulder, snapping me out of my gaze. It's not until I look away that I realize where, or rather who, I was staring at.

Hoping that no one noticed I quickly answer. "No, they'd have to be a certain distance from me, and as of right now I can only sense them." I gesture my head towards the three guys.

"Your best bet right now, would be to focus on your sense of smell." I suggest. "Actual wolves are known to track their prey by up to a hundred miles a day by scent." I explain knowingly, crossing my arms across my chest.

"A trained hunter can use scent to track them. Because if the wind is with them, then they can track a scent by a distance of two miles, which means we can draw them to us." I finish.

"Or in this case, into a trap." My dad says, tossing a net at Scott that we brought with us. "Full moon does gives us one advantage. They'll have a higher heat signature, which makes them easier to spot with infrared." He explains, tossing a pair of infrared binoculars to each of the wolves.

My dad has his own pair, and I really don't need one with the fact that I can just sense them whenever they're near me anyway. Which trust me came in handy alot when I hunted.

They all keep them except for Derek who tosses them back. "Thanks, but I've got my own." He says, flashing his red alpha eyes at us.

"Just remember, we're not hunting wild animals. Underneath those impulses are two intelligent human beings. Don't think they can't rely on that human side." My dad warns, to any hunter that would be a rookie mistake. "It's suppressed, but it's there, reminding them how to mask their scent, how to cover their tracks, how to survive"

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