{4} A Regular Holiday

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This is so cheesy I think my eyes are going to bleed.

Apparently Allison thought it would somehow help me in my quest, to becoming a somewhat decent human being, if I read some of her cheesy chicklit books. I'm not even a chapter in and I already want to stab not only the characters, but the author, with his own book.

I'd fine a way to make that possible.

I let out a bored groan as I let the novel lay open on my face. That's it, this book just shouldn't have been brought into my knowledge of ever having existed.

Then again the only thing I would ever be given permission to read when I was younger was the bestiary or school books.

And by the time I was to the point where I would do things behind my parents backs, I never found anything worth the short amount of free time I usually had. All except for one book series that is.

"Derek, do werewolves read?" Moving the book off my face I turn my head in his direction. He only glances over at me for a quick moment from his spot by the metal table in the loft.

After I stormed out of the vet clinic he texted me about their plan to get into the alpha's hide out. Apparently passing out can make you miss a lot.

"We're not animals, Alice. Believe it or not all of us are literate." He retorts as he busied himself with gathering more papers.

"Technically speaking you are half." All I get in response is an unamused stare wordlessly telling me to shut up. "Sheesh just trying to make a joke no need to get all offended." A yawn escapes my mouth before I'm trying to read the book again.

A few minutes go by before I hear the loft door open. I peak from my peripheral vision and groan out loud in annoyance when I see who it is. It's bad enough that I'm over here suffering from boredom, and now he's here to add onto it.

"Will you look at that--the blonde is trying to read." Peter taunts with the usual smugness in his asshole voice.

"Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger." I deadpan with out even bothering to look up.

Peter lets out a low growl, making me raise an eyebrow and lower my book. A smirk grows on my face as I sit up on the couch.

"Go for it old man. Give me a reason to shove this book up your ass." I threaten while raising my book up in the air.

"Enough you two!" Derek calls out, making me wish he wasn't here so that I can finally throw something at his uncle.

Peter and I send each other death glares before he moves to sit on the metal stairway. I place the book on the couch before walking over to the table.

Just as I spread open the map that I 'borrowed' from work Stiles and Scott walk into the loft. I notice their hesitation to walk in when they see Peter there. However I'm quick to furrow my eyebrows as they both make their way over to the table without looking at me any differently.

"Um, Alice." Scott starts, prompting me to glance up from the bank layout. "We wanted to apologize for yesterday." He, along with Stiles, smile at me waiting for my response I guess.

"Did Derek tell you to apologize?" I question unsure of why they're even apologizing in the first place. Derek shakes his head in response as the two teens laugh lightly.

"No. We decided that since you're helping us and not to mention that we don't know much about you, that we shouldn't have been so rude." Scott explains.

Stiles, surprisingly enough, not uttering a single word the entire time. Something tells me that even though Stiles doesn't believe that I'm a bad person, he's still scared shitless of me.

How The Mighty Fall {Sequel to NOTH} *editing*Where stories live. Discover now