{11} Glare Fest

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I rest my head on the cold window of my dad's car as he drives us back into town. Turns out that they had taken me to a secret bunker of sorts that's just outside the city limits of Beacon Hills.

Shifting uncomfortably in the passenger's seat again, the anxious feeling in my chest grows. Sensing my discomfort Allison leans forward from the back seat.

"Are you okay, Alice?" She asks, emitting the same concern I know my dad is feeling too. I shift around in my seat again before removing my seatbelt.

"Pull over." I instruct through gritted teeth. Gripping onto the handle of the door I try to steady my labored breathing.

"We're already in Beacon Hills, just wait a few minutes until we get home." My dad tells me, moving his eyes momentarily from the road to look over in my direction.

I suck in a sharp breath, feeling a cool breeze pass over my eyes. "Pull over." I growl. He jerks the steering wheel to the side, and before he completely pulls over I'm already out of the car.

"Alice!" I hear Allison call out. The cold breeze of the dark night whips through my hair as I run in between the thick brush of the tree lines, getting farther and farther away from them.

The only thing on my mind is to get somewhere. I don't know where, but I know I need to get there now. A deep pain rushes through my chest, and I clutch desperately at it, feeling as if I'm going to explode from the pressure not being able to find an outlet.

A body knocks onto my side and I tumble down the slope of the hill I was running down. The momentum pushes my body till I reach the bottom in a heap of a disoriented mess.

I push off the ground and immediately growl at the sense of the unwanted intrusion.

His eyes glow red as he steps into view. He rushes at me, but I side step out of the way and he goes crashing into the nearby tree. The crash only momentarily knocks him down before he quickly gets back up.

I watch as his faces shifts back to a human in the blink of an eye. "Alice. It's me, Derek." He slowly approaches me, but I step back.

"He's calling you to him, so he can make you shift. You need to fight it." Derek instructs. I blink my eyes and clutch at my head.

"I almost hurt them. I almost hurt my dad and sister." I cry out, rushing off again. This time he knocks me over before pinning me down to the ground.

I struggle underneath his grip, but no matter what I'd like to admit, an alpha always has the upper hand to a newly bitten werewolf. Especially if they don't want to be one.

"You need to fight it. Alice you need to leave his pack. I know this is all new to you but you need to do it now!" He says urgently, fighting to keep the upper hand.

"I can't--I can't do it." I heavily breath in and out, the overwhelming need to leave fueling my struggle to escape his grasp. He lowers his head down to mine.

"Yes you can, just fight it." Derek's strained breath brushes against my cheek as his eyes meet mine. I take a heavy and thick breath as I continue to kick out my legs, trying desperately to get out of his grip.

After who knows how long of him coaching me to fight the pull Deucalion has on me, I finally stop my struggle from underneath Derek. He slowly lets go, making sure that I won't run off again.

Standing completely up, he offers me a hand up but I scurry away from it. I pull my knees up to my chest as I lean against a tree. I breathe in and out, trying to stop it, but the hot tears stream heavily down my face without remorse.

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