{28} Denying The Lungs Oxygen

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"The more you struggle the longer it'll take." A low growl manages to twist it's way out of my throat at her comment.

Having a hand shoved down my throat doesn't exactly help me not subconsciously lash around. And here I am with my arms being held behind my back being expected to stand still.

My eyes begin to tear up from the unpleasantness of this situation as they shift from my regular blue to a more vibrant one. With one last almost upchuck of the contents in my stomach, Allison finally takes her hand out of my mouth.

I only catch a quick glimpse of the dead fly before it gets washed down the drain. If you ask me Noah should have never let those two flies on the arc. My dad lets go of my arms and I lean against the kitchen counter.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" I ask in between breaths. I let out one last strained cough and finally manage to get my breathing back to normal.

"Saw Deaton do it to the twins and Isaac this morning." Allison replies as she washes her hands.

I raise an eyebrow in disbelief that they just went ahead and did something that they've never once practiced. "That makes me feel less then relieved that I was pretty much a guinea pig." I let out a sigh as the room begins to grow quite. "Go ahead and ask what I did."

Their expressions mirror each other as they share a glance before looking over in my direction. Our dad decides to be the one to speak. "It's not what you did it's what it made you do." He corrects.

I scoff and shake my head. "Well either way it made me do the only thing I'm good at. By the way I should really go and get rid of those bodies." Allison leaves the kitchen without a word, looking like she really needs to get somewhere quick.

"I already handled that." My dad tells me, making me let out a sigh of relief. One less thing to do. "But while you were gone the nogitsune took Lydia while the others were distracted getting the real Stiles."

The information is news to me seeing as how I was passed out in the middle of the woods until Allison and my dad found me. But why the hell would a nogitsune want with a teen who can only really find dead bodies? Before I have the chance to ask the question out-loud, Allison walks back into the kitchen.

"I found this when I was searching through your stuff to see if we could find some clue as to where you were." She gives me a hopeful smile, one that hopes I wont be mad, and pulls out something from behind her.

Shoes. More specifically some ballet slippers that I was hoping no one would realize that I had in my apartment. Damn I knew I should have tossed them in one of the storage units.

"And before you say that they're not yours or that you aren't good at dancing. Don't. Because dad already showed me alot of your old pictures and medals." She informs me with a not at all subtle tone of hilarity.

I narrow my eyes at my dad for just telling her. Believe it or not I like to keep up the appearance that I'm nothing but badass. Which is why the amount of people who know my obsession with Harry Potter or dancing is limited to the fingers on one hand.

He raises his hands up but with a smile of amusement intact on his face. Turning my attention back to my younger sister I take the shoes out of her hands. "Okay so they are mine, but why are you bringing this up?"

"Because I don't want you thinking that killing is the only thing you're good at." She replies whole heartily. "My dad and I will never think of you that way...especially after seeing a picture of a six-year old you in a tutu with a few missing teeth."

How The Mighty Fall {Sequel to NOTH} *editing*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora