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I'd woken up today to the delicious smell of cooking bacon. I walked over to the fire pit in the middle of my family's tiny cottage. I sat in front of it, completely mesmerized by the flames. My mother was calling "Zylie! Zylie breakfast is ready!" Although I could not hear her. It was as if all five of my senses were drawn to that fire. The flame was close enough to touch at this distance. I reached my hand out and right before I made a huge mistake my mother saved me. "Darling?! What on earth are you doing? Are you trying to mutilate yourself?" She asked. "No mother, of course not. I'm just so drawn to this flame, I must've lost control." I said.

She leaned over and cupped my jaw in her hands and said "Darling, are you okay? You seem a bit strange lately. Are you sure everything's alright?"
"Of course mom, everything's fine."

Well not everything. My father died last month, he was executed because the guards outside found him with their commander in the alley. Which is never a good sign. They accused him of trying to murder Colonel Hinderson. He was executed in front of my poor mother's eyes. I was out with a couple of lads that day. I had no idea. I haven't a clue why I would never expect such a thing. It is the middle of 1183 after all. Execution's are quite common these days, ever since people started accusing women of witchcraft. Things have gotten out of hand.

The men I went out with last month are going to Riverina today. I'm going to meet up with them at sundown.

I gathered all of my things and headed towards Riverina Inn. Where I would be staying the night. Riverina is a very small section of a bigger town. The town I live in is called Al'adhaa, Riverina is a small section of it.

I saw them. All hanging out past the river. I ran over there. I saw Liam, he's seventeen and he's the most gorgeous boy you'll ever see. He's so handsome, I think he might fancy me as well.

"Hey! Zylie! Over here!" Liam called. They all whispered something to each other, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Then Liam, Nolan, and Luke all turned toward me in sync. They all looked at me with desire in there eyes. I jokingly said "I hope you lads are looking at me like that because you want a sandwich!"

"No, no Zylie. We want a little more than a sandwich from you." Nolan said. My instincts were telling me something was off, I started to back slowly into the alley. They were taking steps closer to me. Every step I would take back, they would take forward. Then I felt it. On the back of my heel was the thud of a wall.

      There was no escaping now. I had no idea what to do, or what they were going to do to me. Even though I was only thirteen I thought that I was bigger than everyone, and this is what let me know I was wrong.

"Help me!" I screamed.

"Shut up or I'll stab you!" Liam yelled.

"Help me! Please!"

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