Chapter 4

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Bro I can't believe I actually updated twice today lol. Click the picture to see what I invision Vincent looks like

"Well then. Follow me."

He led me through a bunch of endless hallways with infinite amounts of doors. It was crazy. It didn't look the way I imagined hell. It look sort of plain. As though I was walking along a road with billions of doors around it. There were different rooms for every person.

As I was looking around I saw them again. The eyes. The golden eyes, sort of beautiful eyes. I was lost in them.

"Ah! I see you've met James." Lucifer said.

"J-James? Who is he?"

"He's a demon of course. Almost all of us are demons down here."

"Why is he staring at me like that?"

"Well darling, you could be his next prey." He laughed.

"Prey? As in food?!"

"No sweetheart as in his toy."


"Ugh, must you be so ignorant. He's a incubus for Pete's sake."

"Wait. Incubi are real?!"

"Yes. So are succubi and sirens. All of that tempting stuff, I must say I would've thought Rowena taught you all about these beings.... But I must instruct you to not mess around with James. He can be, violent."

"If you really are my father. How come you're so content with talking about sex with me?"

"Darling I may be your father but I'm the king of hell first. I will treat you like any other soul that comes down here. You just get to spend much more time with me."

"If you don't mind me asking, where exactly are you taking me?"

"To my home of course." Lucifer said with delight.

As I walked in the door. I was bombarded with the scent of eucalyptus and expensive cologne. It was amazing the scent filled my senses with glee.
"Why does it smell so amazing in here?" I asked washed away in the smell.

"Well I don't have poor hospitality, especially for my other daughter. You coming home is a very astounding event."

"Other daughter?"

"Yes. You and Solar are my only daughters. Out of my 11 children."

"So you're telling me that I have 9 brothers and ONE sister?"

"What happened to you being skeptical darling?"

"I'm still- well I guess I kind of always knew."

"So the truth finally emerges."

As I'm looking around I see a very tall and lanky blonde. He turns around, looks at me with deep sadness. He says "Jo? You're finally home? It's been 16 years!"

All of the sudden I'm taken aback. Then I remember something. Out of the blue, is this a memory?

~~It's a vision of this man and I playing in a field together. He looks around 17 and I look and sound around 5. And then I yell out "Vincent!" Could he be the same boy?~~

I come back from my vision. Staggering as I try to stand up straight. "V-Vincent? Your Vincent right?"
"Yea, that's right I'm Vincent. I forgot you lost your memories."

"So, you actually remembered something," Lucifer asks.

"This is too bizarre. I can't believe this is all real. Am I really a demon?"

She Lives in the Wrong Side of Heaven Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang