Ch-2: Who is Joana?

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I looked him dead in the face, "I'm sorry, Joana?"

"Yes, dear, it seems as though you do not remember. That is truly awful."

I just realized that he has a thick accent. It's British, maybe. It's sounds ancient though. Like he's been alive since the ninth century.

"I do not intend rudeness, but I've never seen you a day in my life sir. Now, I must get going before nightfall. My mother will be worried."

I attempt to get up, but I am pulled down by his arm. I look at him, and I see a hint of sorrow in his eyes. Instantly I get angry.

"I am sorry for taking up your time, but you cannot keep me here just because you feel pity for me. You're treating me like I'm a hurt puppy, I am a grown.... Lady! And I will not be treated this way!" I yelled.

He pulled his arm away, he had a mischievous look on his face. He said "You are a feisty one, just like you're mother. I always admired that about you. You know when you were a baby Joana-"

"Stop calling me Joana! I don't know who you are but I am not who you are mistaking me for! My name is Zyliana Ambresia Rivera!"

"Ah, yes Zyliana? Was that the name Rowena gave you? Ha! No you've got it all wrong, dear. You're name is Joana, or well it used to be I suppose."

"I don't know what the meanings of this, this.. game! You're playing is but I don't want any part of it. Now, I must leave I need to get home" I said angrily.

"If you must leave, then go. I won't hold you any longer." He said calmly.

He was a little too calm. At first maybe I thought he was a murderer, or a thief, or maybe just looking for some money considering he saved me. But, when I looked at him, all I got was this overwhelming since of deja vu. He had this look in his eye, a look I had seen every day in the mirror. It was as if he was kin to me. As if I was really his daughter. But that's crazy, because I knew my father. He left for war when I was just eight and left me and mother alone. He even sent letters to me all the way from Arabia. There was just know way this man was my father. Unless, maybe I've been lied to my entire life. Maybe my father Juvius, isn't really my father. I sound crazy. I need to leave, all of this is getting to my head.

I get up and I can feel his eyes watching my every move. I open the door, all I feel is a gush of hot wind. There are thousands of people everywhere. But their faces are so pale you can almost see through them. I realize I have no idea where I am. I can't find my way back home. I am stunned, and then I see a pair of golden eyes that are glowing really brightly. I am deeply frightened, I stand there frozen in fear, unable to move. The figure starts moving towards me. I turn around and slam the door shut, breathing heavily.

"Okay, you insane bastard. Where am I?" I yell terrified.

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