Chapter 5

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Omg so sorry guys. Life has been absolute crap lately.... Anyways back to the story?

"This is too bizarre. I can't believe this is real. Am I really a demon?" I ask, flabbergasted. 

"Well. Not exactly dear, and just so you get this into your thick head, your birth name is truly Joana. I named you, not your mother." Lucifer said sternly.

"Right, can't have my little sister thinking she's some... "Zylie" what a horrible name. Of all names Rowena could have chosen..... that one." Vincent said, not realizing that he insulted me.

"Well. I guess I have no obligation to not believe you now. So, where are the others?" I asked.

Lucifer looks down at his peculiarly designed watch, he looks startled. "Shit! Is that really the time? It's already 39 past the 85th phase? I gotta go, Vincent take it from here, and tell the others to play nice. Not to overwhelm her, especially those idiots Klaus and Damon." he said in a hurry.

"Of course dad. Yea, we all know how those two can be. Jo come on, let me reintroduce you to the others." Vincent said.

"Klaus? Damon?" I asked.

"The two idiotic brothers of ours. Come, you'll see."

"Oh and another question. What the fuck was he saying with the time?"

"Haha, you'll get used to the way it works in hell in no time. I have a feeling meeting the others will bring most of your memories back."

I followed Vincent down a hallway, we took a couple of turns I couldn't keep up with, this house is too damn big. Or plaza I guess, I mean it does have to hold 11 children, if not others. I'm sure some of us are in a relationship right? I follow him into a huge fancy looking door, and I see things that one could never dream of. There is a huge black object hanging on the wall, illuminating a red light. Beautiful walls, beautiful plants, and a huge sofa. One so huge it looks like it could hold a million demons. The ground was a black tile, it brings out the bright walls like the contrast of dark and light colors in an oil painting. This place is beautiful and exquisite, unlike any other residence I've ever been in.

And then I noticed. The men in the room, they're loud and obnoxious. Two seem to be fighting, a raven headed lanky man and a red headed muscular one, fighting and knocking each other's teeth out, or at least trying to. The talking consists of teasing and laughing.

"Hey!" Vincent yells "I could use some undivided attention here to welcome our little sister home please!"

They all turn to look at me. A boy with soft looking toffee colored hair starts walking towards me. I'm starting to feel anxious, my heart starts racing as he walks up to me. His voice soft and feminine.

"Hey there little sis, you're back, I missed you so much!"

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