Chapter 3

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Click the picture to see how I invision what Luci look like. Ofc he look a little more mature but you get the picture.

"Okay you insane bastard, where am I?"

He looked at me with a sharp smile. He said "Why you're in my kingdom of course"

"And just what is your kingdom called sir?" I asked
"Why Hell of course my dear." He laughed

Who is this man. And why is he so interested in me with his devilish eyes and his silky hair. It makes no sense. His kingdom? Hell? Don't tell me he's sata-

"Yes. What you are thinking my dear. I am the one and only devil. Lucifer. Lucifer Rivera." He said in his ancient British accent.

Lucifer Rivera? As in my last name Rivera? That's my fathers last name. My mother never told me that my last name was a popular one. I would've never expected this. But it is what it is.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did I end up in hell. I mean, I am a good person. I've never done anything bad. Well at least not too bad."

"Oh darling you were always meant to end up here you know. You were born here after all"

"I was born in my mothers base-"

"In your mother's basement. Is that what she told you?"

"I'm sorry. You're the devil. Why am I even speaking with you. Let alone arguing."

"Well it could be because I'm tempting to argue with. Because we are after all very related. You are my daughter. Joana- I mean Zylie you do know that I'm your birth father right?"

"Father?! No my father was executed! And you're YOU'RE SATAN!! I am not you're daughter!"

Now that I start to rethink. I did think this was a possibility. He does look a lot like me. And well, ever since I was born I've had this odd since like I'm not actually human. Like I'm meant for something else. But, I don't know what all this means, am I really the daughter of satan? Am I a demon? The only thing I know for sure that is supernatural about me is that my mother, Rowena, is the most powerful witch I've ever seen.

My mother is powerful very powerful. I always thought about the day my powers would come, but they never did. All my life I was waiting for the day I turned 13 so I could finally do the ritual to figure out what type I would be. I could be fire, water, earth, air, death, or a life witch. I always wanted to be a life witch, they can heal people and can see the future.

The life and death witches have been at battle for years. If you couldn't already tell the death witches are the bad witches. But my mother is the only witch with all 6 types of magic. She is called the overwatcher. She is the leader of the coven. The coven calls her this because she watches over us all.

"Would you like to meet your family?" He asked me in an excited tone.

"Well, I still don't believe you. In fact I know that I'm in hell for whatever reason. But I don't believe you are my father." I said to him lying, there was some part of me that believed him, for some reason.

"Well then. Follow me." He said whilst he grabbed my hand and led me through this place.

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