Chapter 6

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I'm really thinking about keeping fluent updates on this book. So if I could get some reads wattpad that would be nice🙄

"Hey there little sis, you're back, I missed you so much!"

The toffee haired boy was leaning in for a hug, I embraced him, my head close to his chest. As I took a breath in I smelled the warm scent of vanilla and clean fur. Then my heart starts racing, I feel anxious and dizzy.

"Joanaaaaaaa, Joey, JODO!" an 18 year old boy called.

"What?!" I snapped back in the bathroom looking in the crystal clear mirror. I look to be around 17, odd. I'm coloring the ends of my hair red, with something called manic panic, it looks like the style balayage. The way the color is fading into my hair.

"Dang dude, who pissed you off today?"

"Who do you think Stephan."

"Let me guess, Damon and his stupid face."

"Fucking of course it was Damon, Steph. Who else could it be."

"Well I mean, Axel, Dantè, Nero, Klaus, he was my second guess btw, Dad, So-"

"Okay, I get it jeez. I'm quick to anger."

"You get it honest," Stephan gestures towards Lucifer yelling at someone. "Anyways, what did he do this time."

"Well he started off by talking about how "plain" my hair is. I of course took offense, but he just started laughing. So, I punched him square in his stupid sharp ass jaw. Then he went and started taunting me about my love life, teasing me about never settling down with anyone. Practically slut-shaming me. I mean I know I am a whore, but like, so is he. I mean we all know the reason him and Spade keep breaking up over and over and over and ove-"

I'm interrupted with a warm embrace. The scent that always calms me down fills up my nostrils and I instantly feel calmer. This is why he's my favorite. 

"Jo you can't let him get to you like that. You know he only does it to get under your skin. Also, this better not be why I caught you coloring your hair."

"It's not I promise, I was already going to color it anyway."

I'm pulled back into reality by a soft "Are you okay?" Hearing the person I must've missed greatly say that, I instantly burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, I missed you so much." I said crying and not letting go of his back.

"Hey Joey it's okay, I'm just happy that you're back." He said empathetically.

I immediately look up and nod, I wipe the tears away and let go of his back, stepping away from him as I nod to Vincent signaling that I'm ready to meet the others. Vincent grabs my hand, leading me to someone with cherry red hair, and fiery eyes. My eyes widen, I run up and hug him.

"I missed you so much Axel, you have no idea. I don't know why I do, but I just feel like you're my other half, I don't even remember you, just now your name popped into my head." I said excited and happy. He smells like a bonfire, like happy adolescent memories. Like parties on the beach, drinking, having sex, and just being stupid teenagers. There's some cologne mixed in with the burnt smell, but the flames are too strong they take over it.

"Well Jo, maybe that's because we share the same soul. I mean we are twins, well quadruplets if you want to put it into specifics."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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