Chapter 1

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"Coming through!"

You huffed and tried to make yourself flat against the cold tile wall. A co-worker runs past you with a tray full of drinks. Reaching out, you hold open the swinging doors to assist him. When he's out of your way you let out a sigh of relief and push down your black work shirt. 

"Wow it's not busy at all."

You chuckled at your sarcastic friend who was tossing the food around in the pan. He was your childhood friend. He came from a well off family like yourself. His hair was a faded pink that fell over just above his eyebrows. No matter how many hairstyles he has tried he still looked as though he rolled out of bed and started his day. His quirk had something to do with fear. You could never remember the name but you didn't care since all that stuck with you was fear. Apparently he was capable of swooning people into revealing their true fears and using it against them. 

"It sure isn't," Grabbing a black tray you started to stack on the plates. "Work on the lines and you'll see, Min."

"Work on the lines," Min murmured with a snicker as he served another hot plate on the stand. "I'm good here."

"Then zip the lip."

You gave him a wink before walking out of the kitchen with a tray in hand and a plate in the other. You made the rounds the rest of the day at the restaurant. Serving hot dishes to people. Arguing with people that claim their foods too cold, too hot, too spicy or too greasy as if their menu didn't provide warnings to them of what to expect their food to appear as. 

"You have closing shift tonight."

You manager pops out from behind you with a pen in hand, using it to point in your face. The tray full of drinks topple to the side, startled from her sudden appearance.

"I cant tonight!"

"I don't care," She clicks her pen loudly for the whole staff to hear. She jerks her head up with her chin in the air. Lifting her board up she writes down your name under the nightshift. "I see no problem with it, not like you have somewhere to be."

Your eyebrows scrunched together and you took a step forward, ready to snap but Min grabbed your shoulder and shook his head.

Rolling your eyes so far in your head, you sighed. "The night shift is fine. I got no other plans."

"Good to hear, back to work."

The sarcasm in the tone should have been enough to get you fired. Guess not. When the manager left, you gave Min a mean a look. The type of look that reads 'Really? You had to stop me?'. In response, Min just shook his head and went back to cooking.

Once again you went along the rest of the exhausting hours serving to good people and to privileged people. When the restaurant closed, Min had stayed behind and watched as you and another co-worker did the night routine. Emptying the trash, cleaning the dishes, mopping the floors and turned the chair upside down so they sat on the table.

When it was all over you locked up the restaurant and tucked the key into your small backpack. Min pulled around from the back of the restaurant in his motorcycle. He had built it himself, modifying it until the handy-me-down motorcycle looked fresher and looked like something that represented Min. It was all black with bright blue as a highlight.

"We're late," Min tossed a helmet to you. "Could have went faster."

"Yeah it could have if you helped." You plopped the helmet on your head and hopped on in the back.

Mim pulled out into the streets as you clicked the helmet in place. Your hands held onto Mins waist as he revved the bike. He liked it fast and nothing less. If you didnt focus on the streets like him, one sharp turn you could easily fly off his bike.

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