Chapter 19

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Warning: Self harm

A few moments later, Aizawa let out a gruffed sigh and you leaned your head out to look up. He didn't let you go yet, he didn't want to ruin the moment but he needed to get back to concentrating. 

"Let's try fighting with one of your weapons."

"Do you think I'll be fine?"

Aizawa nodded and stepped back, creating a distance. He grabbed his scarf. "Let's see how much you know."

The moment your hands reached into your pocket for your switch blade, Aizawa's scarf launched towards your right hand. You dodge, stepping back on your side to avoid it. Looking to Aizawa with your hand grabbing the blade, his yellow goggles were on. You couldn't tell if he used his quirk or not but he was treating this as an actual fight, something you weren't entirely expecting. You thought he just wanted you to create a weapon and throw it at him, not fight against him. 

Pulling out the blade you weren't focus, therefore you didn't pay attention to slicing the palm of your hand. You winced then you felt the fabric of the scarf grab your ankle. Aizawa pulled on his scarf and you fell flat on your back, you head hitting the floor first followed by your back and elbows. Pain was all you knew, from your head, your body then your hand. You groaned and sat up on your elbows. 

"You're thinking too much," Aizawa pulled more on his scarf, dragging you to him. He was pulling slowly hoping you'd get the idea to think of something to disconnect yourself from his scarf. "A consequence of you quirk but in a real situation you either fight or run."

Your mind was so focus on the pain your body was in it had taken time for you to notice how close you were getting to Aizawa. A blood stream was left on the ground and you thought of a rope tied to a large battle axe that was stuck to the ground. When Aizawa pulled on his scarf, you were stuck in the middle between your weapon and his. 

"Good," Aizawa said. "But what now?"

The switch blade was still in your hand and you sliced passed your pants across your thighs, triggering Aizawa. He dropped his scarf and you bit your lip, muffling your scream. The blood circled and created a solid crossbow. Picking it up, in a swift motion you aimed and fired at Aizawa. He caught it, inches from the side of his head. The solid turned to liquid and your blood dripped down his forearm. In a quick motion, you sent the battle axe flying aiming for Aizawa's ankle's . He jumped up and stared down at the blood in his hands. 

"Alright enough."

The rope and battle axe turned back to regular blood and the earth soaked it in. Your head fell back and you laid still, your left arm above your head and your right arm down to your side. Aizawa ran to your aid, pulling out the first aid kit and fixing you up. 

"That's enough for now," He ripped your pants to reach the wound, wiping the blood away and placing a gauze on it. Aizawa had you sitting up when he was fixing you hand. "I can see why Ivia would want your blood."

"Because its powerful?"

"That and if you develop a tolerance, it could be used constantly before fainting."

Aizawa helped you onto your feet but the wound on your thigh caused you to limp. Aizawa, without asking, lifted you into his arms and started walking. Your body tensed up and you held your hands, laying them on your chest unsure if you should wrap them around his neck. He didn't look down and didn't realize what he did until you wince from your thigh. Aizawa looked down and caught your gentle gaze. A light pink flushes his cheeks and he clears his throat. Climbing over the rocks he focuses on the walk back. 

"Well, it's safe to say that I could easily handle myself if I am bait." You say nervously, trying to start any conversation to end the weird silence. 

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