Chapter 5

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The doctors had informed your parents of a poison that was pumped into your skin by the Red Snakes. Apparently when the thorns were activated, the poison was released by any movements. If Hawks hadn't thrown the man back the poisons wouldnt have gone into your body. After your parents argued about suing Hawks, you weakly gave them the idea of how Hawks would not have known about the poison. To which your mother agreed, Hawks quirk isn't the knowledge of others quirks. So the idea of suing was dropped as well as the hospital bill.

When the doctor repeated the news to Hawks he had felt guilty and paid for the hospital bill which made your parents fall in love with the hero. You rolled your eyes at that.

You had spent 48 hours at the hospital, being looked after and healed. On the final hour you had signed yourself out and was picked up by your parents who then took you home.

The rest of the day your brother talked your ear off about how it was like to be around Eraserhead. His eyes were bright and big. He latched onto your arm like a little leech with a wide grin. With a smile, you told him how strong he was. How nice and reassuring he could be and overall a great hero. Of course your brother gave lecture, stating facts about what you just said is true. In the back of your mind you kept thinking about he was willing to make deals. You couldnt see other ways that could have gone about but, you still couldn't believe a hero would announce a deal to the enemy.

Min had arrived to your house a few minutes after you were able to shake your brother off. You were laying in your bed when Min had barged in with two bag full of your favorite snacks and drinks as well as fuzzy socks.

Almost like a child, Min wouldnt let you overwork yourself in the hours he stayed. He had put on the fuzzy socks and shoved pillows behind your back so you could sit up. The snacks and drinks sprawled across your bed like a messy nest, opened wrappers and crushed cans piled around you as you retold the kidnap to Min.

"Damn, you're gonna need therapy after that."

Was his only answer once the story had ended. You laughed, choking on your canned milk tea.

"You wouldn't be wrong. My parents are already finding me one."

"Really?" Mins shocked tone was sincere. He was only joking around.

"I guess Hawks feels incredibly guilty so hes willing to pay for a year worth of therapy. I need to tell him no."

Min scoffed. "Who needs therapy when you have friends and snacks."

You clinked your can with his bottle of rootbeer before chugging the rest of the tea. You chewed on boba and shrugged your shoulders.


Min nodded and smiled. "Agree on that."

Once the bags of snacks and drinks were empty, Min had left you in your room. Your body was still feeling weak and exhausted from all the medications they had pumped into your body. They even have you taking additional medications. Apparently the poison had infused with your blood which made the hospital become curious with you. Once the medication bottle was empty they wanted to check your blood once more for any last poison. They havent given you any answers to why the poison stayed, how it could affect your body or anything else. The hospital handed you the bottle and wrote down your address before allowing you to leave.

You headed down stairs to get a cup of water to swallow the pill. You had remembered about the pill after all the drinks were gone. Your mom was in the kitchen cooking while your brother was in the front with Mochi the dog.

"Hey mom," You pulled out a glass and filled it with water. "What are you cooking tonight?"

"Nothing too heavy, we are having a guest today after all."

Swallowing the pill and placing the glass back, you tilted your head. "Who's coming over? Min just left about 30 mins ago."

Your mom stepped closer to you to whisper in your ear. "Eraserhead and others from the Hero Agencies. Just don't tell your brother."

Nodding at your mother you made your way back upstairs to fix yourself. You weren't feeling the best and on top of that you might need to deal with heros and your fanboy brother. Your mood will not be the best but hopefully that pill will aid you for the night.


Like any mother, your mom went into a bit of a possessed state. As she cooked, she managed to clean the entire house making it spotless, did all the laundry (even though she really didn't need too since the heroes would never enter the laundry room but she did anyways), swept the front and back yard and even turned on candles in every room. After all that she still had dinner done.

Walking down the stairs, wearing your favorite formal/lounge outfit. You hesitated on asking your mom for any help and with a positive attitude she ask you to run to the store to get some champagne and wine to drink.

Grabbing what you needed, cash and ID. You stepped out and made your way down the semi busy street. Men on bicycles passed you, whistling and hollering. Feeling a little faint you walked closer to your the walls and dragged your fingers to keep a steady walk. The walk was a perfect not to long but also long from your house. Grabbing a basket you walked up and down the isles, choosing the good wine and champagne. Buying a total of 6 bottles. When the cashier announced the total your cheeks puffed up, exhaling the realization that this was your most expensive purchase ever.

Thanking the man you walked out and headed home. A car came to a slow stop beside you and you ignored it, walking faster than before.

"Hey," The warm and deep voice caused your head to turn and see Eraserhead. "Let us give you a ride."


The cars window rolled down and the chief of police and Hawks faces popped into view. Hawks gave a confident wave with two fingers followed with a hi.

"I dont mind walking." You murmured.

The chief chuckled. "Come now, we will feel guilty to be letting you walk and arriving to your house before you."

Sighing you gave them a nod and Hawks scooted over, allowing you to squeeze in with the bags of bottles on the floor.

"I dont live far."

Eraserhead continued to drive. "That's good."

He parked the car directly in front of the house. Hawks and the chief took the bags of bottles before you could take off your belt. When you stepped out, Fatgum appeared and gave a shy wave.

"We all arrived on time? Amazing!" He cheered. The boys had returned the wave but Fatgum had bent down and gave everyone a tight bear hug with you crushed in the middle.

When everyone was dropped, you had to catch your breath and you gripped onto Fatgums formal wear.

He repeated his apology when Eraserhead reminded him that you had just left the hospital early in the day. You gave him a smile and reassured him that that hug had made you 10x better. The Chief and Hawks entered the house first with the bags of drinks, followed with Eraserhead, you then Fatgum.

Hawks and the Chief were already greeted by your family, they stood to their side as they watched your brother fanboy over Eraserhead. Aki was in such a fanboy mood that he fell to Eraserheads feet and hugged his legs.

"Uh, kid," Eraserhead was feeling a bit awkward but also grateful for the fan. He bent down and rubbed the boys back until his tears had stopped. "Are you alright?"

Aki nodded and wiped away the stained tears. "I'm your biggest fan!"

"I can see that, let me say hi to your parents though." Eraserhead was able to get your brother to detach from his legs, only for Aki to hold his arm.

You laughed and shook your head at the state of your brother. Eraserhead was gonna have a very unlucky dinner night with Aki hugging him.

Sure enough when everyone was seated at the table, Aki sat directly next to Eraserhead. The glasses were filled and the plates piled with delicious food. Thus the conversation began.

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