chapter four

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Zayn had got a message from Ashton early morning saying 'sure'

"So that's that" Louis finished. He was currently with Niall at his flat. He told him all about the grocery shop, Liam and that Zayn was going to break up with Ashton.

"Woah okay, so first if Zayn wants that then he's doing the right thing. Second OF COURSE I KNOW LIAM FUCKING PAYNE" Niall shouted. "Y'all met him and didn't even know who he was."

"Niall chill, after zayn's done, we'll do something about it okay?" Louis said in a calm voice. "Zayn says he likes him, but they haven't talked for over 15 minutes."

"I was thinking of messaging him myself, but then he's a celebrity why would he reply to some guy who he met at a grocery store when his friend was drunk," Louis said.

"Yeah that's a thing," Niall said.

They were interrupted by Zayn who came in and sat beside them with tearful eyes.

"Hey Z, how'd it go?" Louis asked in a concerned tone.

"He came and told me he only had some time, and I started telling him how he wasn't giving me time and how he barely replied to my texts, and after explaining to him that he got angry and said that I-I just wanted his attention and I was the one who didn't c-care about him and I was being c-childish, he stormed off saying he doesn't w-want me anymore and he has nothing to do with me," Zayn said sobbing in between.

"Omg Z how dare he says that!" Niall said in an angry voice getting up.

"I'm gonna beat him up so bad," Louis said angrily. "I'm coming with you," Niall said.

"NO! no one is going to beat him up" Zayn shouted. "I was anyways going to break up with him. I can text Liam now,"

"Z..." Louis said.

"No Louis, let him be, I don't care about him anymore.

They were interrupted by Louis phone. 

He had got a message from Instagram and he decided to ignore it.

They spent the next 3 hours eating pizza and ice cream and watching the big bang theory till Zayn fell asleep.

Louis was now in his room and he decided to open the message he got earlier. It was from someone called Harry styles. It said

'Hey Louis, this is Harry, I'm Liam Payne's friend.'

Louis didn't know he was but when he went through his feed his eyes widened. He was famous too, an insanely hot singer. He was confused why would a famous singer message him.

He ended up replying to the message saying 'Hi Harry'

Not even 2 minutes later, he got a message back.

'thank you for helping Liam find medicines for me'  it was really random.

He replied saying 'i didn't help much but no problem anyways'

harrystyles: haha:)

harrystyles: well I have texted you about something a bit important.

Louis furrowed his brows because he didn't know what a singer wanted to tell him something important.

louist91: sure tell me

harrystyles: well you know, my friend has a special interest in your friend zayn.

louist91: umm okay... 

harrystyles: well I just wanted to know if he's single so that Liam can text him.

louist91: he has just gone through a break up actually...

louist91: but he does have an interest in Liam.

harrystyles: so it's okay Liam texts him?

 louist91: yes

harrystyles: okay that's great. thank you, Louis.

louist91: no problem.

Louis spent the next hour stalking harry. That man was something else.

But he had the charity event the next day and he really had to go to sleep.

Where Harry had spent his time wanking from a fine picture of Louis, he wasn't ashamed because c'mon Louis is a fine man. 


Next day. Louis on a call with Niall.

"Yeah I'm ready, all stuff is packed. On your side?" Niall said. It was the day of the charity event.

"Yeah me and Z both are ready, we'll meet you there in 15?" Louis asked with his phone tucked in between his ears and shoulders, picking up some boxes.

"mhm sure, by the way, how's Z doing?" Niall asked in concern.

"He's better than last night for sure, I asked him to stay at home but he said he wants to come along. and I think it's better so that he'll be a bit distracted you know." Louis said. Zayn was actually feeling better. And he did in fact talk about Liam.

"Okay, that's good. Well, ill meet y'all, bye" Niall said in a relieved voice.

"Yeah bye," Louis said hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket and moving towards the car. He saw zayn coming out of his room and he motioned his head to get in the car.

Zayn got in the passengers seat and said, "Don't kill me lou, please."

Louis chuckled and said "come on I'm not that of a bad driver" 

"Yeah of course, whatever you say" Zayn chuckled and said.

"So I know this isn't the right time to ask but I'm still gonna because that's what makes me your best friend, so umm" he hesitated but still went on "have you thought about texting Liam?" Louis asked looking at zayn and then looking back at the road. He remembered about harry texting him. Ah harry, the insanely attractive lad who happens to be so famous texted him! 

Zayn slightly blushed while looking down playing with his fingers and answered saying "I mean I've thought but, umm I mean" he hesitated, he was a bit shy "I dont even know if he wants to talk to me, I dont even know if he even remembers me and the fact that he being so famous makes it a but you know.. scary" he completed.

"Oh come on Zayn! I saw his drooling over you the moment he saw you" Louis said. He actually caught Liam starting at Zayn's ass when he was looking for the medicines. And the fact that his best friend had texted him about the same thing makes it obvious.

"I dont know lou.." 

"Look Z, at the end of the day it's your choice, you broke up with Ashton because you had a crush on him, and I'm about sure he likes you too, you just have to text him and start talking." Louis shrugged.

"Yeah you're probably right, and yes I will text him but there's one thing," Zayn said looking at him "even if he likes me, he won't get a dream of how I texted him, he must get millions of messages each day from millions of fans, how is he gonna reply to me only?" 

That was a genuine question, and the fools didn't think of it before, Louis had an idea, but still, he wasn't gonna tell Zayn or Niall about Harry.

"Hmm, let's see about that but before we do that we have a charity even to vouleenter so let's do that first alright?" Louis said not sounding suspicious.

"Yeah" Zayn unbuckled his seatbelt when Louis parked and they both got out. He reached and opened the hood and took out some boxes with Louis coming after him and taking the rest. They both walked in together and met Niall there, after that their next two hours were spent putting everything in place and making sure everything was ready until the rest of the people came.

- - -

alright so I know there is more ziam than larry but just hold on they'll come along.
again, if real people are reading this and like it can vote if they want:) Have a good day/night.


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