A special&happy morning (for him)

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One of my best friends, my girlfriend now, had a strict curfew so she couldn't stay up too late. The calls with her lasted until 9:30 PM every night. For me, the night was still young so I called with the dude. 

We had another late-night talk. I enjoy having those a lot because you share things way easier when you are tired, at least I do. I found out he did too. That one night we called for so long I said good night eventually fell asleep without ending the call. Later that asshole turned on the lights in his room and it woke me up. It annoyed me so I hung up.

Another time we kept calling until the morning arrived and I had to wake up. He was still there. It felt nice to not be alone for a change. I did my whole morning routine with him. (No I did not take my phone in the shower or showed myself changing you dirty rascals.) Oh how glad I was that my school started later than usual, I did not get much sleep that night and really needed the time to wake up properly.

I took my phone into the kitchen still with the dude on the other side and prepared some lunch for school. He decided that me being downstairs in the kitchen would be the best time to change clothes. My mom walked in when he was shirtless, come on, why are you like that. Both of you. "He has a nice body," my mom said to me when she saw him on my phone. I wasn't going to lie and said to him, "she isn't wrong." This wasn't really meant as a flirty comment, I was just judging on what I saw. You can tell a shoe for example is ugly or not, that doesn't mean you want to fuck it.

I wrote a song about him. It wasn't supposed to be a love song, well not an 'I'm in love' song. It was me trying to show him what he meant to me in a song form. You might've read 2AM already. The talks we had were comforting, fun and sometimes quite serious. In short, they meant a lot and he was a good friend.

The song moved him so much he cried. I knew boys had emotions hidden somewhere. 

That's whyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن